
Associated Press

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the Robot Skeleton Army and to all those close to you.  Craig Ferguson has more than 425,000 followers and the number grows every day, thankful for the humor he brings us throughout the year.

Craig’s Thanksgiving tweet gave us a chuckle:  I pardoned my turkey & set him free. His name is Ishtar & he wants to be a graphic designer. I’m having a nut roast instead. Then dinner.

Craig’s assistant Rebecca Tucker opted out of at least one Thanksgiving tradition:  wearing my monogrammed apron for the first time ever. and loving thanksgiving with the gals, which means NO FOOTBALL

LLS assistant producer Andrea Wayland dressed for the occasion:  Every day I’m grateful 4friends, family, freedom, roof over my head & health. On THIS day I’m grateful for pajamajeans. Happy Thanksgiving!

And Geoff Petersen extends his thanks:  Thankful for @craigyferg and his LMFAO hostiness, @grantimahara for tightening my nuts, and my tweeps! You are in my thanks and…

Since Thanksgiving is a football-oriented holiday, we chose this clip from the archives. Craig took his show on the road in 2007 on Super Bowl Sunday. A local television station had the chance to talk with him as he prepared for the show.

Video courtesy: HeidiDeidiDei

The re-run fairy is in town for the holiday.  Thursday’s episode is from October 25th, in which Craig talks with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former NFL quarterback turned television analyst Joe Theismann.  On Friday night, we’ll see the November 5th show with actress/singer Juliette Lewis and philosopher Cornel West.

Have a safe and successful day of shopping on Friday!  We’re wondering what Craig has on his wish list for Christmas.  And we want to know what you have on your wish list for us.  Is there a news item, a video clip, a story or a feature you’d like to see here on the site?  We’d welcome your suggestions.  Let us know in the comment section and we’ll do our best.  Thank you for being faithful readers!

Craig seemed on Tuesday to be putting the French talk show host Arthur behind him.  However the people at Folkmanis, the company that makes the puppets for the Late Late Show, are speaking up:  Regarding the French @CraigyFerg copycat, they actually don’t have permission to use our puppets! We were unaware. // We puppets feel used in this situation, controlled against our will. (Um, like puppets.) They also told one of the volcano’s resident lawyers @HMSFox:  Yes – because our puppets are copyrighted (by us) you need to license the usage to depict them in anything “for profit.” According to some of the articles we’ve seen and Arthur’s Wikipedia entry, he has hosted many radio and television shows over the years, none of which have lasted very long.  It remains to be seen if CBS or Worldwide Pants will actually take any legal action or let it pass.

An article Wednesday in an alternative newspaper in Colorado Springs quotes a member of punk rock band who calls Craig some unfortunate names.  Before everyone in the volcano gets up in arms, you should know:  Although the article is new, this is an old story.  It happened in October of 2008 when the network enforced the FCC’s equal time rule, telling a band member he could not to wear a Barack Obama t-shirt on the show.  Craig himself talked about it on the show and there were articles about it at the time here, here and here.  Our view: It’s an ignorant comment but it was over two years ago and the paper should have thought twice before printing it.  Because some RSA folks have been asking about it and we try to keep you up to date with all things Craig-related, we’ll link to the article here so you can read it for yourself but in our opinion, to do anything further would only bring attention to people who don’t deserve it.  Besides, it’s a punk rocker expressing disdain for authority.  If anyone knows about that stereotype, it would be Craig. ‘Nuff said.

Geoff Petersen is getting ready for Thanksgiving on Twitter:  Two words: Wish bone. To which his creator, the Mythbusters’ Grant Imahara, joked:  Geoff, that’s NOT your wish bone! You don’t have a wish bone… Several roboskellies then joined in saying something about Geoff’s wish bone being stuck at customs… you get the idea.  Geoff replied to Grant:  That explains a lot! BTW this Thanksgiving thankful you gave me life. Wish bone or not.

Will we soon see Secretariat‘s race at Hollywood Park?  When our favorite horse was on the track last Friday, we heard we would see a special segment this week, and Wednesday is the final new episode of the week due to the holiday.  Watch Wednesday and find out!

On Wednesday’s Late Late Show, Craig talks with professional wrestler turned actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and cooks with chef Paula Deen.  The re-run fairy arrives for Thanksgiving Day, with the October 25th episode featuring former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and NFL analyst Joe Theismann.  New episodes resume on Monday.

If you’re traveling for the holiday, we hope you arrive safe and sound.  If you’re hosting, remember they’re coming to see you, not the turkey.  Happy Thanksgiving to all roboskellies, families and friends… we’re thankful for all of you!

Touché!  Craig has called out French television host Arthur for blatantly copying the opening theme video, puppets and musical numbers we’ve enjoyed on the Late Late Show for so long.  Arthur’s show, Ce Soir Avec Arthur, which debuted on France’s version of the comedy channel on November 8th, looks remarkably similar to the LLS.  Craig compared the two shows during Monday night’s opening segment and we posted a couple of clips in yesterday‘s post.

For his part, Arthur denies he has stolen anything, saying “Today, the format of an TV program is not related to an accessory or a puppet, but based on the writing and humor of its host.”  Thanks to the RSA’s @Colleen_Byrne who enlisted French RSA member @MaggieBirks to translate an online article where Arthur responds to Craig’s comments.  Here is her translation of his reaction and some of the comments posted by French viewers under the article.  You can read the original article from Ozap.com and a Google-translated version, along with an article from 20Minutes.fr and its translated version, and a third article from Rue89.com and its translation.  Google’s automated translations are not precise but should give you the gist of the story.

Discussion about the copycat show is spreading around the English-speaking web as well, including TVSquad.com, LiveJournal’s OhNoTheyDidnt page and TheLaughButton.com.

Craig chatted with guest Ben Stein, a lawyer himself, about whether he had a case for theft of intellectual property.  As Stein acknowledged, it could be an open-and-shut case in the United States but overseas laws may be more difficult to navigate.  From what we’ve been reading on the interwebs, trying to define the “format” of a television show has proved problematic in situations where unlicensed versions of shows pop up in different countries.  In some cases, like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, the producers make agreements to get a cut of versions that run in foreign markets.  But when someone copies elements of a show without permission, it’s a bit murky.  Producers in other countries can clearly have their own late night shows and they can be “inspired” by other shows… but it would take lawyers to sort out the difference between “inspired” and “plagiarized”.  If there are any intellectual property lawyers in the RSA, we look forward to your letters (or just your comments below).

In other news, CNN’s entertainment blog calls Vernon Kay, host of ABC”s Skating With The Stars, a “very poor man’s Craig Ferguson”.  What’s next?  Croquet With The Stars?  Or how about Hanging Out At The House, Playing Video Games And Drinking YooHoo With The Stars?  We can’t wait.

Craig tweeted another Ford commercial shoot photo, with a slightly different look than yesterday’s costumes: http://yfrog.com/eiukehfj Day 2 of Ford Explorer ad shoot. Opie & Andy gettin gangsta.

The AP’s David Bauder reports on the late-night landscape from an advertising buyer’s perspective on ABC’s entertainment page.

The BBC Scotland is planning a tribute program for the late actor Gerard Kelly.  According to the Evening Times, Craig will be among the contributors to the show.  Perhaps one of our Scottish roboskellies can send us a link to an online version when the show airs in December?  The RSA would enjoy hearing what Craig has to say about his friend, with whom he shared the stage in a UK touring version of The Odd Couple in the 1990’s.

On Tuesday’s Late Late Show, Craig chats with actor Mark Ruffalo, actress Kathryn Hahn and brings us a performance by comedienne Wendy Liebman.  Then on Wednesday, watch for actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and chef Paula Deen.  On some schedules, actor Jeffrey Tambor had been scheduled to appear Tuesday night but is no longer listed.  We’ll let you know when he is rescheduled.

Note:  After working for several days with the folks at Disqus, we have restored their comment system to our page.  They have figured out a work-around solution to the problem that made reading the page difficult on iPad and iPhone.  Users of both devices have told us that it looks fine now.  Please let us know if you encounter any problems seeing the page on your computer, smartphone or other device.

Craig got the volcano buzzing on Monday afternoon with a new picture that casts him in the role of an TV icon: http://yfrog.com/14nbgvj Bridger & I on set of ad for new Explorer. Ford r so confident in the car they don’t mind my creepiness #sorryopie We’re wondering what Ron Howard would have to say about all this.

Craig’s able assistant Rebecca Tucker had a chance to take a day off in Washington, DC after the weekend’s activities in Nashville.  She tweeted:  Thankful that the boss sent me to DC for a couple days – fall weather, seeing The Frames play and a guy who smells like truffle oil. yum. // Took my camera and LLS hat on a run thru DC! http://twitpic.com/398qx1 She also confirmed to the RSA’s @tzankoff that it was she who took the picture of Fergybot4000.  @tzankoff that was me – thought i was high when I saw Geoff’s twin rolling my way down a sidewalk in Nashville

The RSA’s @Diane4mail captured a short video clip of a group of robot skeletons watching Craig’s show at their hotel in Nashville on Friday night.  She also sent still photos of the group and of Craig on stage here and here.  The RSA’s @LikelyPatriot captured another group picture of roboskellies in Nashville.  And of course, the one and only @SariesWick took a bunch of great pictures of Craig on stage.  Here’s a link to her page.

Randy Kagan sent us another great behind-the-scenes photo from Nashville:  CF getting shmoozed. http://yfrog.com/5cimzsj He also sent a video clip from when he met Trace Adkins:  Trace Adkins and I in an awkward moment. Thought we were getting our picture taken. Ansel Adams f’d up. http://yfrog.us/0n5etz

TAKE A LOOK AT THIS:  The volcano has also been buzzing about a French comedian and television host named “Arthur” (born Jacques Arthur Essebag in Casablanca).  He has apparently hosted a number of radio and television shows over the years and has a new late night show that debuted on November 8th on France’s version of the comedy channel.  The show, Ce Soir Avec Arthur, bears a striking resemblance to… well… you be the judge.  First the show’s theme… then an introduction and musical number.  Umm… we’re not sayin’, we’re just sayin’.

Video courtesy: TellMeMagazine

Video courtesy: ArthurSatisfaction

A race involving the Late Late Show’s own Secretariat held at the Hollywood Park racetrack on Friday night apparently went well.  If what we’ve been hearing is true, we should see a segment about the race on the show sometime this week.

The online news site DigitalJournal.com reports that Doctor Who fever is gripping Utah, where the show will be filming in Monument Valley.  Meanwhile, the @Nerdist podcast featuring Matt Smith is now online.

Monday on the Late Late Show, Craig’s guests are actor/author Ben Stein, television host and OB/GYN Dr. Lisa Masterson and the music of The Very Best.  Dr. Masterson tweeted:  Fantastic Doctors show with Wendy Williams tomorrow! And I will be on the Late Show with Craig Ferguson tomorrow too!!! On Tuesday, Craig welcomes actor Mark Ruffalo, actoress Kathryn Hahn and comedienne Wendy Liebman.  Actress/singer Julie Andrews had originally been scheduled for tonight, as Craig tweeted:  Julie Andrews had to cancel 2nite. Ben Stein stepped in. I wonder if I can get him to sing something #supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. We’ll let you know when she is rescheduled.

Craig is back home in Los Angeles after a great weekend in Nashville, Tennessee where he performed live on stage for two sold-out crowds at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center.  The shows were recorded in HD for a future television special and DVD release in 2011.  Craig has one more live stand up comedy show on his calendar in 2010, at the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio, CA on December 3rd.

Craig tweeted after the show:  Thank you Nashville you were incredible. You made a vulgar lounge entertainer feel like a star. I thank you xxx

Craig’s opening act Randy Kagan tweeted two more photos, including what appears to be a promotional poster and a closeup of our fearless leader on stage:  Nashville was a good ole time. http://yfrog.com/0olxrhj http://yfrog.com/0k5f5mj Our thanks to Randy for sending great pictures from every stop along the “Fame Adjacent Tour” that we can share with the RSA.

A big group of roboskellies were in Nashville to see the shows, including @SariesWick who tweeted that she took more than 400 photos of Craig during the two shows on Saturday.  We’ll link to some of the best when she gets a chance to post them.  We’d welcome your still photos, blogs or stories about your experience in Nashville.  Just tweet us @RSA_News.

Geoff Petersen is anxious for Craig to be back in the studio:  Mr @CraigyFerg had mutual romance with Nashville this weekend. I stayed in the 12′ radius of my cord… Dreaming of tomorrow and Bro-time!

Dr. Lisa Masterson

We’re hoping this week’s guest list resembles the guests that actually appear on the show.  On Monday, Craig welcomes actor/author Ben Stein, host of The Doctors Dr. Lisa Masterson and the music of The Very Best.  On Tuesday, Craig welcomes actor Mark Ruffalo, actoress Kathryn Hahn and comedienne Wendy Liebman.  And on Wednesday, the week’s final all-new episode will feature actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and just in time for Thanksgiving, chef Paula Deen.  Due to the holiday, CBS will rebroadcast a pair of recent shows.  On Thursday, watch for the October 25th episode with former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and NFL analyst Joe Theismann.  And on Friday, it’s the November 5th show with actress/singer Juliette Lewis and philosopher Cornel West, a show that got rave reviews judging by the RSA tweets we’ve seen.

Craig is in Nashville on Saturday night, wrapping up a pair of stand up comedy performances before sold-out crowds.  Both shows are being recorded for television and will be edited into a comedy special due to be released on cable sometime in 2011 with a DVD release to follow.  A robust and enthusiastic group of robot skeletons are in Music City USA to cheer on our fearless leader and enjoy some roboskelly camaraderie.

Craig’s opening act, Randy Kagan sent some photos before tonight’s shows:  We all got cowboy hats in Nashville. http://yfrog.com/71syqsj http://yfrog.com/498dtjij CF checking out theatre before taping. http://yfrog.com/jo4c2oj Sneak peek at CF’s special. http://yfrog.com/jauzhaj That last picture shows the stage, a bit more well-lighted and fancy compared to most of his shows but is gussied up for the television cameras.  The RSA’s @Diane4Mail got a picture of the portable television control room trucks parked outside the theater: http://twitpic.com/38kaq1 Movie star recoding equipment.

For those in Nashville, the RSA’s @Tzankoff will be bringing Fergybot4000 to the lobby of his hotel after the second show for anyone who wants to see the RSA’s “other” robot in person.  Check out his tweets for details.  The ever-resourceful @ScottishConan got a picture of Fergybot4000:  Not often you see this on the streets of Nashville. He’s a chatty Cathy. http://twitpic.com/38mcaq

Were there celebrities at the show?  Oh yeah.  The RSA’s @Colleen_Byrne spotted a well-known country singer:  JoDee Messina, 2nd row e from the left, red hair She also spotted Trace Adkins earlier in the day.

After the second show of the night, Craig tweeted:  Thank you Nashville you were incredible. You made a vulgar lounge entertainer feel like a star. I thank you xxx

Craig’s last scheduled live stage appearance for 2010 is in Indio, CA on December 3rd.

Geoff Peterson tweeted tonight:  Saturday night. Mr @craigyferg is wowing them onstage in other parts and here I sit with parts of me still in Customs. I got nuthin’. In…

Saturday, November 20th is Family Volunteer Day, Revolution Day (Mexico) and Name Your PC Day.  We call ours “Majestic Interlude”.  Extra points if you remember what that reference is from.  Sunday, November 21 is UN World Television Day and World Hello Day.  So… Hello, world!

Photo: Cliff Lipson/CBS

It’s almost time for Craig‘s live shows in Nashville.  Many members of the Robot Skeleton Army are assembling in Tennessee while others are keeping the home fires burning in the hollowed-out volcano.   Craig’s performances this weekend will be recorded for a future comedy special.  If the last time was an example (which yielded the special A Wee Bit o’ Revolution), they’ll record both shows, take the best of both and edit them into a show that may air sometime in 2011 on cable television and be made available on DVD shortly afterward.

The RSA’s @HMSFox sent out the seating charts:  7 pm Seating Chart http://twitpic.com/383wtu 9:45 Seating Chart http://twitpic.com/383xeu @NancyInTampa and @Colleen_Byrne are keeping track of tweetup activities.  We’ve heard that several roboskellies have already met up in Music City USA, and some may be watching the Friday night LLS together.  It should be a fun weekend!  As always, if you have stories, still photos, blogs or other information you’d like to share with the rest of the RSA, just let us know:  @RSA_News.  We’ll do our best to post as many as we can starting Saturday night and into Sunday.

Meanwhile, back in California, LLS producer Michael Naidus went to the Hollywood Park race track to see the big race Friday evening:  At Hollywood Park race track for big Scretariat vs. Secretariat match race. Post time 8:57 p.m PT. We’ll update when there is a winner.  As @cozyhobo discovered, the LLS is mentioned on the Hollywood Park website, which explains that the show is filming a segment to air next week.

Craig’s final stand up comedy performance of the year is scheduled for the Fantasy Springs Resort and Casino in Indio, CA on December 3rd.

The trailer for the new Doctor Who special event on Christmas Day has been released:

Video courtesy: BBC

Geoff Petersen was a little sad Thursday night:  So jealous. Secretariat makes @craigyferg dance, I’m not programmed to. Now the Hollywood Pk race tomorrow [Friday]. I have date. With chiropractor.

The week of the bumped guests continued Thursday night.  Jeff Goldblum got bumped Tuesday and appeared Thursday.  Dr. Lisa Masterson got bumped Wednesday and will appear next Tuesday.  So on Thursday, we were ready… we heard that Jeff Goldblum was coming back and that actor Mark Ruffalo was being bumped to next Monday.  No problem, we thought… surely author Dennis Lehane would still appear as scheduled.  Nope.  He’s been bumped to points unknown.  We will of course keep you updated on his eventual return.

So what does it all mean for Friday’s show?  If we’re to believe the best available sources, actress/comedienne Amy Sedaris and Mythbusters Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman are supposed to appear.  The Mythbusters’ official Twitter account says:  Attention MB fans, don’t forget that Jamie & Adam will be on the Late Late Show w/ @CraigyFerg tonight! Check your listings Will they really be there?  Will Amy Sedaris, who hates to fly, appear after making the trip all the way from New York?  Will Secretariat fill even more network airtime?  Tune in for the the next exciting episode!  [Cue dramatic music]