TARDIS Appears
Craig Ferguson is on vacation and was in Glasgow this week, where he tweeted a photo featuring one of the UK’s iconic blue police call boxes, recognizable to Doctor Who fans around the world as the Doctor’s preferred mode of transportation, the TARDIS. He tweeted:
In Glasgow. Bumped into an old friend in the Merchant City.
School Days
Glaswegian Twitterer @scottthorburn1 recently posted a photo featuring a familiar face in the back row.
@CraigyFerg recognise anyone in this picture?!?! Great teacher…and those are not hollow words.
Drew Carey Days
How about a publicity photo from Craig’s first season on the Drew Carey Show? Or perhaps a picture of Craig and his cat from this week? Both seem like they were only yesterday.
Unintelligible Accents
On Celebrity Name Game, Craig can sympathize, but he isn’t equipped to have guests left behind.
Video courtesy: Celebrity Name Game
With Craig on vacation, Join or Die on hiatus and Celebrity Name Game in summer “encore presentation” mode, we’re going to take a short break ourselves and return after the Independence Day holiday weekend. Watch for our regular Wednesday post to return on July 6th. Of course, if any big Craig news breaks between now and then, we’ll be sure to pass it along. Thank you as always for being loyal readers and fun residents of the hollowed out volcano!
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