
Lollipop Theater Tweet-A-Thon
Don’t forget, Saturday May 7th from noon to midnight Eastern time is the Lollipop Theater Network Tweet-A-Thon. Tweet with the hashtag #lollipoptheater to help raise awareness for a great charity that brings first-run movies to hospitalized children. They are also on Facebook. Josh Robert Thompson and Rebecca Tucker have re-tweeted and posted Follow Fridays, encouraging people to support the cause. Rebecca said:

My 1st ever FF is for @lollipoptheater, a great organization that brings movie magic to children in need – follow them!

And Craig tweeted on Friday evening:

#FF @lollipoptheater is a fantastic organization that helps cheer up sick kids taking movies & their stars into hospitals.

Check out the video, promoting Saturday’s Tweet-A-Thon:
Video courtesy: n39smm

Again, the Tweet-A-Thon runs from noon to midnight Eastern time on Saturday, May 7th to raise awareness and money for a great cause, supported by Craig Ferguson. Have fun!

No Fun Allowed in China, However
TVSquad.com like Juliette Lewis‘ story about the police presence at her concert in China.

Tonight’s Guests
Friday on the Late Late Show, Craig talks with actor Will Ferrell and we’ll see the twice-bumped performance by comedian Reese Waters.  Actress Olivia Munn will be moved ahead to a future date.

Added to the upcoming Guests list are actor Jeff Goldblum, actress Sarah Chalke, actor Tony Shalhoub and actress Carrie Fisher.

Salt Lake City Canceled
Craig Ferguson‘s live show in Salt Lake City on July 10th has been postponed due to scheduling conflicts, according to the folks at Kingsbury Hall.  We’re not sure when it will be rescheduled but we’ll keep an eye on it for you and post it on our Live Comedy Tour page when it happens.  Craig’s assistant, Rebecca Tucker made it official earlier on Thursday:

Craig’s standup show at Kingsbury Hall in Salt Lake City on 7/10/11 has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date

There’s also still no word on when ticket sales might begin for Craig’s show in Toronto.  We’re keeping tabs on that as well.

Heads Up in Memphis
Due to extended local news coverage of the floods, Craig will be airing a half hour later than usual this week on CBS station WREG.  Local news will run from 10-11pm, David Letterman from 11pm-12:02pm and Craig from 12:02-1:02am.  For those of you living along the river, Craig being a bit late is probably among the least of your worries but we hope you’re staying dry and staying safe.  This time change is for the Memphis area only.

Craig and Pauley’s Picture
In case you missed the smartphone picture of Craig and Pauley Perrette taken during Wednesday’s show, Pauley sent it out and Craig re-tweeted it… we included it in our previous post.

Craig’s Show in Tulsa
The RSA’s @HMSFox saw Craig’s show in Tulsa last Saturday along with @ScottishConan.  She had a great time seeing Craig on stage and sent us

On The Road

So another road trip to see Craig Ferguson has come and gone—this time, 5.5 hours down Highway 44 (part of Route 66 in another era) to that glittering oasis in the middle of the deser…excuse me, prairie…Tulsa, baby!

This time it was the Tulsa Hard Rock Casino playing host to Craig, and I was so impressed with the surroundings that as soon as I got there I immediately…went to my hotel room and finished reading Terry Pratchett’s Unseen Academicals. Priorities, people. 🙂 (I don’t get that much time to read, so a little ‘me time’ was nice).

I guess casinos just aren’t my thing. I don’t mind being there on the rare occasions I frequent them, but they’re not usually my first choice of activities. But overall the Hard Rock was a great venue. The music memorabilia is neat to look at and you can gamble if you like, or people-watch sitting on the fake truckbeds outside Toby Keith’s restaurant, which ScottishConan and I did for a while. Even saw a pair of purple-feathered “Vegas” showgirls strut by, as well as your usual assortment of other interesting characters you can find at a casino. You can say one thing for casinos, they’re always interesting to people-watch at.

(As for people-watching for a certain Scotsman we all know and love, ScottishConan and I did for a bit after the show, but no luck. But, not a big deal—we’ve both had the chance to meet him briefly before (me in NY, and ScottishConan I’d forgotten had run across him either in Tulsa in the past or in Thackerville, en route to the show)—so we can save the luck of perhaps meeting him for other roboskellies on the tour schedule.)

ScottishConan and I met up for dinner at a very nice Irish pub in town and got the chance to catch up, then back to the Hard Rock for the main event at the casino’s theater. The Joint (yes, our former-pot-smoking show opener Randy had some fun with that name) was, as such a joint in a place called Hard Rock should be, rocking. 2700 seats, packed pretty full (I think a sellout but couldn’t tell for certain), and the crowd was in an electric mood.

I don’t want to spoil the show for anyone so I won’t give details, but Craig was on top of his game, as always. Spectacular. I didn’t think it was possible that anything could top it, but this show might even be funnier than Does This Need to be Said. I got to see this run a few times in Denver while Craig was giving it a final polish, and it never gets old. Or less funny.

There were a few moments specific to Tulsa that hopefully shouldn’t spoil anything for anyone, that kind of give a flavor for the night. At one point Craig brought up Glenn Beck then realized he was in Tulsa, where people might actually like Beck and have the guns to back it up, and started to sneak off stage before anyone got any ideas. Far from hating him for it, the audience ate it up. At another point some discussion or other of gayness brought a cheerful “Woo-hoo” from an audience member, which led to surprise that 1) there were in fact gay people in Tulsa 2) they were brave enough to yell, and 3) they must be really confused because they’re living in Tulsa. Finally, Craig mentioned not knowing where to go out to in Tulsa after hours, which led to a bunch of helpful shouted suggestions from the audience, which in turn led to “What the hell do you think this is, Improv-a-Ganza?” 🙂

Randy performed well as well, with a mix of old and new material that flowed nicely together. He’s always great interacting with the audience, and he seemed to find a good fit with the Tulsa crowd. He even participated in the dance number, and kudos for that—if you’re not a big dancer, dancing can be even scarier to do on stage then normal material, and he did it with gusto.

I won’t spoil the open and close, except to say that the opening holds a lot of meaning for me, and I literally laughed til I cried. It is an absolutely perfect summation of what watching Craig is all about, at least for me. And I can only wonder, if the name for any eventual special will be “Craig Ferguson: Family Jewels.”

The closing deserves a mention all its own, and I really wish I could give it a full write-up. It is awesome—you can tell Craig truly means it when he does his part. I would call it a love letter direct to the Robot Skeleton Army and his audience. So enjoy it when you get to see it.

Looking at all the music memorabilia before the show, I joked that we’d found Craig Mecca—or maybe that should be Nirvana. I almost wanted to call the trip a pilgrimage.

But there’s a creepiness to that that goes too far, that you can’t walk back with a cockeyed (yeah, I said it 🙂 grin and a “Nah, too far” comic apology. I would bet Craig would get irked if he heard it—I can just hear the rant, “Do not put me on that pedestal, I am not a religious figure! I am no one’s role model!” (I guess one could retort, “Between the Bridge and the River, Fraser”, but that’s for another conversation).

Besides, the pilgrimage term isn’t accurate anyway. Over my time of watching Late Late Show (about a year now), while on this adventure, I’ve met a lot of interesting people who like Craig. Everyone has their own story as to why, what lures them in and keeps them around. But there seems to be a lot of artistic types, philosopher types, drawn to his comedy. Seekers. Including one lawyer who still doesn’t know what she wants to be when she grows up (if she ever does).

And I think what we’ve all found in Craig, what we maybe somehow innately recognized here, is a fellow traveler on the road.

I’ll let you fill in “On *what* road? To where?” on your own.

Until next time,

Your faithful correspondent
Susan HMSFox

Lots and Lots of Reviews
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Some Stand Up Spoilers
The Fort Smith, Arkansas Times-Record reviewed Craig’s show in Tulsa. And the RSA’s @NCcoastgrl pointed us to the Ticketmaster reviews page, where there are many pages of reviews. These reviews contain spoilers, so don’t click on the arrow if you’d rather not see details.

[stb id=”custom” caption=”Stand Up Spoilers” bgcolor=FFFFFF]

Here is the review from the Fort Smith Times-Record.

Here is the link to the Ticketmaster user reviews.


Spoilers end here – Non-spoiler material continues below.


Rocking Good Time
Craig was among the celebrities wishing Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson at happy birthday during the most recent WWE wresting event.  Craig’s clip comes about 1:55 into the segment. Thanks to the RSA’s @AnnieSunshine84 for the link.

Do We Have a Picture of Paul McCartney?
The RSA’s @eppylover gave us a heads up about a weekend event in East London with Angela Lansbury. No, really.

Tonight’s Guests
Thursday on the Late Late Show, actress Juliette Lewis and documentarian Phil Rosenthal are on the show.  Friday, Craig interviews actor Will Ferrell and actress Olivia Munn.  Comedian Reese Waters, who was bumped earlier in the week, has been moved into Friday’s show.  Olivia Munn will appear on a future date.

Juliette Lewis tweeted:

Hey everyone I’m gonna be saying some randomly humerous stuff on @craigyferg show tonight promoting @Sympathy4D ! Love that guy!

UPDATE: Juliette Lewis tweeted a backstage picture and told us why we should watch Thursday’s show:

Watch how much @craigyferg flirts w me tonight on @cbs! Totally inappropriate! LOL http://twitpic.com/4ty184

As you can see, the RSA News wouldn’t be the same without the contributions of our readers. Whether it’s a great story like the one @HMSFox sent us or links to interesting things on the internet, we’re always happy to share them with the rest of the RSA. Thank you to everyone who sends things our way using our Contact Us form, our Facebook page or on Twitter @RSA_News. You can be a part of it, too. Check out our Submission Guidelines and send in your stuff. We couldn’t do it without you!

Utah Tickets Going on SaleUPDATE
Tickets go on sale Friday at 10am MT (Noon ET) for Craig’s July 10th live stand up comedy show in Salt Lake City.  Check out all the links on our Live Comedy Tour page. Craig’s live show in Salt Lake City on July 10th has been canceled due to scheduling conflicts, according to the folks at Kingsbury Hall.  It’s not clear if or when it might be rescheduled but we’ll keep an eye on it for you.


UPDATE: Pauley Perettte tweeted (and Craig retweeted) before Wednesday night’s show:

This is the pic you will see @pauleyp & @craigyferg take DURING the #latelateshow tonight 🙂 http://twitpic.com/4tj72o

Lollipop Theater
Lollipop Theater Network’s annual Game Day is this Saturday. But even if you can’t attend, you can support their work bringing first-run movies to hospitalized children through their website.  And you can take part in the Lollipop Theater Tweet-A-Thon, from noon to midnight Eastern time on Saturday, May 7th with the hashtag #lollipoptheater

Puppet Travel Guide
Josh Robert Thompson tweeted about a new video he posted:

@kerrikasem and I made a video with a raccoon puppet. Yeah, it’s exactly what you think it is. http://youtu.be/K1qQPZalFSM #nastyraccoon

Musical Guests
PrefixMag.com enjoyed OK Go’s performance on Wednesday’s show.

Tonight’s Guests
Wednesday on the Late Late Show. Craig chats with filmmaker/author John Waters and actress Pauley Perrette.  On Thursday, watch for actress Juliette Lewis and documentarian Phil Rosenthal .  Pauleytweeted on Wednesday:

Chucks @craigyferg ! Watch tonight! http://twitpic.com/4tg16b

Comedian Reese Waters was bumped again Wednesday night. We’ll update you when he is rescheduled. He joked about it on his Twitter page:

FYI, I got bumped from tonight’s Craig Ferguson bc Geoffrey Rush interview went long. New date coming soon. NOW I feel like ive made it…

Added to the Guests page are actor Simon Helberg from The Big Bang Theory, actress Betty White and actress Julie Andrews, who had been schedule to appear way back on November 22nd of last year. Olivia Munn had been booked back in July of last year and will finally appear this month. Still no sign of Ewan McGregor

It’s Orange and It’s Tasty
Craig sent a tweet on Tuesday, after spotting a trend:

Irn Bru -perhaps the greatest beverage in the world (that I can drink with safety) is trending. Well done Scotland.

The soda to which he refers has been made for more than a hundred years in Scotland and is third-largest selling carbonated soda in the UK.  For much more detail, check out the Wikipedia entry.  Jaunted.com even cited Craig’s tweet as part of the trend and called it their tweet of the week.

Late Night Topical Humor
Several outlets quoted Craig’s Monday monologue, including UPI, The Atlantic, Digital Spy, TVWorthWatching.com and the Associated Press.

Those Housewives
New York Magazine and TV Squad caught Craig’s conversation with Mindy Kaling about the Real Housewives.

Hugh Laurie Performs
The RSA’s @skousehouse found a BBC2 recording of Hugh Laurie performing in concert.  As with most BBC posts, it will only be available for a few days, so be sure to listen in.  Note:  There is a portion of newscast before Hugh’s show begins… just wait it out and you’ll hear the show… more than an hour of great music!

May 17th Birthdays
The RSA’s @heldenb shares a birthday with Craig and wondered if any other roboskellies celebrate a birthday on May 17th?  Let us know in the comments below.

Now That’s Cool
The band OK Go appears Tuesday night on the Late Late Show.  The group is being credited in part for a new technological game/trend using GPS mapping, which they feature in one of their videos.  Mashable.com takes a closer look.

Tonight’s Guests
Tuesday on the Late Late Show, actor Geoffrey Rush talks with Craig; plus we’ll see performance by comedian Reese Waters and hear music from OK Go.  On Wednesday, filmmaker/author John Waters returns, along with actress Pauley Perrette.

New on the future Guests list are actor Kenneth Branagh and the previously bumped author Edward Conlon.

A Great Day
Craig Ferguson expressed the thoughts of many Sunday night when he tweeted:

It is indeed a great day for America everybody. Yes it is.

Several outlets picked up on Craig’s tweet including the Washington Post, OpposingViews.com and Vanity Fair.

Fort Worth Review
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More Stand Up Spoilers
The website dfw.com reviewed Craig’s show Sunday evening at Bass Hall in Fort Worth, Texas. The review contains spoilers, so don’t click on the arrow if you’d rather not see details.

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Here is the review from dfw.com.


Spoilers end here – Non-spoiler material continues below.


Randy Kagan sent along a photo of himself on stage in Fort Worth Sunday night:

Onstage wearing fancy pants onstage http://t.co/wl0C5sX

Our thanks to Randy for sending great pictures and giving the RSA a glimpse backstage at the tour. All those roboskellies who can’t be there are grateful for the inside look.  By the way, Randy’s newest podcast is now available on iTunes.

Rebecca at Work
Craig’s assistant Rebecca Tucker enjoys her job:

I love working in an office where the facilities man arrives at my desk to say “I’m here to hang your penis”.

Craig in Jeopardy
Craig was the subject of a question on the syndicated television game show Jeopardy! on Monday. The RSA’s @RelukaHaske says:

Craig was the subject of a question on Jeopardy today! The question was, “Craig Ferguson is a proud Glaswegian – a native of this city.” The person answering got the question correct, unlike the last time he was a question on Jeopardy (one of the College Tournaments that Craig mentioned on his show.)

Looks like Craig is getting noticed even more!

Tartan Background

The RSA’s @GenieFirestone and @HMSFox have suggested that RSA members use the Ferguson tartan either their entire Twitter avatar or as a background for their avatar, leading up to Craig’s birthday on May 17th. If you are looking for the tartan background, it can be found here.  We found a few slight color and pattern variations around the internet but that one seems to be the most consistent.



Tonight’s Guests
Monday on the Late Late Show, Craig’s guests are actress Mindy Kaling and actor Matt Lucas.  Tuesday, actor Geoffrey Rush is on the show, along with comedian Reese Waters and music by OK Go.

CBS Tweeted:

2Nite @CraigyFerg & @MindyKaling discuss Osama & the White House Correspondent’s Dinner. Plus Matt Lucas on #LateLateShow 12:37 am ET/PT!

New guests added to the schedule include actress Mary Lynn Rajskub, author Lawrence Block and actor/author Paul Reiser.  Check out our Guests page for the most up-to-date listings.

President Barack Obama confirmed Al Queda leader Osama Bin Laden was killed by US forces in Pakistan. Upon hearing the news, Craig tweeted:

It is indeed a great day for America everybody. Yes it is.

Adios, Texas
Craig & Company wrapped up another leg of the 2011 Tour with a performance at Bass Hall in Fort Worth, Texas on Sunday evening.  Now it’s back to Los Angeles for four weeks of new shows before they head back out on the road for a long weekend in Vancouver and Seattle at the end of May.  As always, we have the latest listings on our Live Comedy Tour page, where you can check dates, times and ticket information to see Craig live “in your region”.

The RSA’s @juliacgulia offered a welcome back message to Craig through her friend Horatio.

Randy Kagan thanked Tulsa for a great Saturday night:

Tulsa Hard Rocked! Oklahoma is more than O.K. We’ll be back.

And Randy sent a photo from Fort Worth:

CF killin in Fort Worth. Sorry I’m not Ansel Adams. http://t.co/auYMirK

Lollipop Theater Tweet-A-Thon – Saturday
The RSA’s @VictoriaRamon (sometimes know as @JuliaChildCIA) is letting everyone know about the upcoming Tweet-A-Thon for the Lollipop Theater Network on Saturday, May 7th from noon to midnight Eastern time.  The LTN does great work providing first-run films for hospitalized children and is a favorite charity of Craig Ferguson.  Details are available on their Facebook event page.  If you are available on Saturday to tweet with the hashtag #lollipoptheater, we hope you’ll take part!

Doctor Who in America
BBC America ran a behind-the-scenes special over the weekend, called Doctor Who in America, which we are told included some kind of clip of Craig.  We didn’t hear about it until after it had already aired (*shakes fist at BBCAmerica*) but we’ve checking to see if and when it will air again and we’ll pass it along.

Does This Need To Be Said
Craig’s stand up special Does This Need To Be Said airs late Thursday night/early Friday morning on the EPIX channel at 12:15am ET.  Check local listings for the time “in your region”.  Thanks to @bgrhubarb for the heads up.

Say What?
Craig can be so eloquent. And then there’s now:

Video courtesy: Fergufool

Olivia Munn

This Week’s Guests
It’s May and it’s another week of all-new episodes of the Late Late Show.  Monday, Craig welcomes back actress Mindy Kaling and actor Matt Lucas.  Tuesday, it’s actor Geoffrey Rush,  comedian Reese Waters and music by OK Go.  On Wednesday, filmmaker/author John Waters is back, along with actress Pauley Perrette.  Actress Juliette Lewis and documentarian Phil Rosenthal will appear on Thursday.  And on  Friday, Craig talks with actor Will Ferrell and actress Olivia Munn.

The RSA’s @MissGraoully reminds us that on May 1st, 1707, the Act of Union joined England and Scotland.  Both countries have grumbled about it every since!

Craig in Tulsa
Craig Ferguson‘s 2011 returned to Oklahoma on Saturday night with a performance at the Hard Rock Casino near Tulsa.  Craig & Company will take the stage at Bass Hall in Fort Worth, Texas on Sunday before returning to Los Angeles for a month of all-new episodes of the Late Late Show.  Keep up with the tour on our Live Comedy Tour page.  The RSA’s @HMSFox was in Tulsa for Saturday’s show and sent us a picture of a billboard:

So here we go…Craig gets promotion! Big LCD billboard on Hwy 44 too. 🙂 http://t.co/yxdOyoX

In case you missed last night’s late update, check out Saturday’s post with backstage pictures from Austin, taken by Craig’s opening act, comedian and official tour photographer Randy Kagan.  Thanks, Randy!

Austin Review
The website Austin360.com has a brief review of Craig’s shows in Austin, with no real spoilers.  Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb for the link.

A Word About Recording
We have talked about the issue of recording Craig’s live shows before but it appears that we need to do so again:

[stextbox id=”custom”]No Audio/Video Recording at Live Shows
Recording audio and/or video of Craig’s live stand up comedy performances is a violation of federal copyright law.  Even if the person recording or distributing such audio or video material does not profit directly from making the material available to the public (online, for example) it can cut directly into revenue from ticket sales, future broadcasts, DVD sales and more.  In other words, if you record and/or distribute Craig’s live shows, you are taking money out of his pocket.  If found in violation of copyright law, the person who recorded and/or distributed the material could face triple the actual damages caused, attorney’s fees and court costs, as well as criminal penalties up to a quarter million dollars in fines and five years in prison.  We cannot be more clear about this:  Do not record Craig’s live shows!

No Audio/Video Recording or Still Photographs at the Late Late Show
In addition, audio/video recording and still photography are prohibited at CBS Television City during the taping of the Late Late Show.  CBS strictly enforces this policy because it violates copyright law and could impact their ability to profit from the broadcast of the show.  If you are found violating this policy, you could face ejection from the studio, confiscation of your recording device(s) and legal action.

What about still photographs at live shows?  Maybe.
The one thing that is sometimes allowed during live shows, depending on the venue, are still photographs.  Some venues where Craig has performed don’t allow flash photography for any show.  For example, pictures were not allowed at the Comedy Works in Denver, there were conflicting opinions from security people in Windsor and we are told that the Hard Rock Casino in Tulsa does not allow pictures.  Also, some performers don’t like them because the flashes can be distracting.  However, Craig has never seemed to mind and some venues such as Nashville and Carnegie Hall have allowed pictures.  The bottom line:  If we are ever told differently by Craig or his team, we will let you know as soon as possible… but for now, if the venue allows it, it’s our understanding that still photos during live shows are all right and we are happy to post them here if you would like to share them.

If you have any questions, please let us know using our Contact Us form or via Twitter @RSA_News.[/stextbox]

Flashing? Oh my!
Craig will let you know if he wants to be flashed.

Video courtesy: Fergufool

What is Today?
Saturday, April 30th is Hairstylist Appreciation Day, Louisiana Purchase Day and National Honesty Day (would that it were every day).  Sunday, May 1st is May Day (Labor Day for much of the world), Loyalty Day, National Dance Day and Mother Goose Day.

Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
Silver bells and cockle-shells,
And pretty maids all of a row.