From Russia With Love
Craig Ferguson was up early on Friday morning, walking around the streets of St. Petersburg in Russia. It appears he is taking a brief vacation there before heading to France for a week of shows. Craig tweeted: I love morning jetlag walks in a new city. St Petersburg 745am local time.
Later, he tweeted a picture of one of the city’s architectural treasures and top tourist attractions: Needs more cowbell. #unsoviet.
The church is known as the Church of the Savior of Spilled Blood, or sometimes the Church of the Resurrection and although it is not an active place of worship, it has been restored to its 1907 glory and is considered one of the world’s finest repositories of mosaic interior design.
One lucky fan, the RSA’s @rumonica got her picture taken with Craig today in St. Petersburg. In the meantime, LLS Producer Michael Naidus is on his way to Paris to prepare for the week:
Next stop, Paris!
Craig at the Moulin Rouge?
The website has a single-sentence story saying Craig will be doing his shows next week at the famous Moulin Rouge club in Paris. It’s not clear what the source of the story is, or whether one or more shows might be taped there. We’ll keep an eye on it for you.
Supreme Singing and The Voice of Freeman enjoyed Morgan Freeman and Craig’s attempt to channel The Supremes on Thursday’s show. And the Huffington Post talked about Freeman’s evaluation of Geoff’s (Josh’s) impression of him.
Non-Official Facebook and Twitter Pages
We’ve been given another reminder about Facebook and Twitter pages that claim to be “official”, this time directly from Josh Robert Thompson, the voice of Geoff Peterson who tweeted:
“Late Late Show” fans: Please note that I am NOT affiliated with ANY of the “Geoff Peterson” Facebook pages. Please RT. #RSA
[stextbox id=”custom” bgcolor=DBF7D8]LLS Social Media
It’s worth noting again that the Late Late Show has an official Facebook page, which is the only one we’re aware of that is authorized by the show. Any other Facebook site claiming to Craig, Geoff, the show or a puppet is not real and may be attempting to profit by pretending to be affiliated with the show. On Twitter, @CraigyFerg tweets his own stuff and the show has authorized three other accounts: @LLS_Episodes, which tweets links to videos and show info (and is linked directly on the LLS website), @LateLateShowCBS which tweets about the show from time to time and @GeoffTheRobot, which tweets as Geoff (operated by Josh and/or the show’s writers). If you see anyone else tweeting as Craig, Geoff, Josh, the show, a puppet or any other character from the show, you can be sure that it is not real and that anyone claiming to be authorized by the show isn’t.
We are a fan-created website and have said so from the beginning. We are not affiliated with the show and make that clear in our Terms of Service at the bottom of every page on our site. We have a Facebook page and a Twitter account which we use to pass along Craig and LLS-related news, promote the website and only speak in our own voice. We have never claimed to be “official”, speak as a character or speak on behalf of the show except when we quote them directly in a news story. Fan pages are fun and we encourage fans to enjoy the show and create tributes but we believe strongly that any fan page should clearly identify itself as a fan page, not call itself “official” and not pretend to be anyone or anything else. It’s a matter of integrity and online safety.
Andrea Moves On
Late Late Show assistant producer Andrea Wayland is leaving the show. She tweeted:
Followers: I’m leaving The Late Late Show July 1st for new adventures! Posts from now on have NOTHING 2 do w/ LLS or others there. Thx!
Congratulations, Andrea and thank you for all of your help. You will be missed!
Tonight’s Guests
Friday on the Late Late Show, Craig talks with actor Kevin Bacon and talk show host Wendy Williams. CBS tweeted:
Kevin Bacon competes for a golden mouth organ – will his musical skills help him?! Plus @WendyWilliams 2nite on #LateLateShow w/ @CraigFergy
The Late Late Show will be on hiatus for two weeks, with the re-run fairy in full flight until new episodes return to CBS on June 27th. The complete guest schedule for the next two weeks is posted on our Guests page, along with several guests who have have been booked for future shows once tapings resume in Los Angeles.
Your Help from France
We will be counting on our European roboskellies to help us find news and information about Craig’s trip next week. We’re looking for any media coverage, stories, photos, links and more that we can share with the rest of the robot skeleton army. No video will be accepted from the tapings of the shows but the rest is welcome. Please send us details using our Contact Us form or tweet us at @RSA_News to help keep the RSA up to date while our fearless leader is “in your region”. Merci beaucoup!