
DVR Alert: Letterman and Regis
Craig Ferguson will be appearing on The Late Show with David Letterman on July 27th and on Live with Regis and Kelly on July 29th before heading to his live stand up show in Toronto the night of the 29th. Thanks to Francesco for the heads up!

Craig Backstage After Leno
After Craig’s appearance on The Tonight Show on Wednesday, he was interviewed backstage by Bryan Branly, who asked about the now-famous lapdance.  Branly also talked with Rose Byrne who had good things to say about Craig.  Thanks to the RSA’s @Fergufool, @SecretNakedHobo, @cozyhobo and others for making sure nobody missed this one. If you want a copy for your very own, @Fergufool was kind enough to put it on her extensive clips page.

Craig Chats on Canadian Television
Craig was interviewed Friday on CTV’s morning show Canada AM.  He talks about Winnie The Pooh but also about the Late Late Show and his comedy.  Thanks to @RamonaLeigh for sending us the link.

Game Show Taping
Craig taped two episodes of the game show Celebrity Name Game on Friday. As we have reported before, these are pilot episodes of the show and so far, there is no word if CBS will broadcast them. If you had a chance to be in the audience, please let us know what it was like! Drop us a line on our Contact Us page or tweet us @RSA_News. We’re still looking for pictures and stories from Atlantic City and Hammond, IN. If you were at Craig’s live stand up shows last weekend, we can help you share your experience with the rest of the RSA.

Zooey Wants a Dog
Hollywood.com caught Craig’s conversation with Zooey Deschanel about her hope to get a dog.

Great Press for the LLS
Josh Robert Thompson took a quick picture and told us that the Late Late Show got a nice write-up in Entertainment Weekly, talking about the upcoming Paris episodes:

Look, ma – we’re in Entertainment Weekly (@EW)! http://t.co/dgURaEJ #balls #gayrobotskeleton @GeofftheRobot

Time’s Top Tweeters
Time Magazine’s list of top Twitter feeds to follow included a number of Late Late Show guests as well as some late night personalities. Those who made the list are frequent tweeters deemed influential in shaping the conversation. Neil Gaiman, Michael Ian Black, Neil Patrick Harris and Chris Hardwick all made the top 50. Actress Mindy Kaling was on the list, as well as Conan O’Brien, Jimmy Fallon, Bill Mahar and Chelsea Handler. The magazine lists those that topped the poll and the complete list of 140 tweeters, groups by their fields.

Tonight’s Guests
Friday on the Late Late Show, Craig chats with actor Tim Daly, actress Leslie Bibb and we hear music by Foster the People.

Craig’s Game Show Pilot Shoots Friday
It’s last-minute but tickets are available for the pilot of the new game show Craig Ferguson could be hosting for CBS. The network is shooting two pilot episodes of Celebrity Name Game on Friday in Studio City, CA.  You can get tickets here.  From what we’ve heard, CBS agreed to shoot the pilot episodes but has not made a commitment to order more episodes or even to air the show.  It is not listed among CBS’s fall shows.  If they do pick it up, it will likely be a mid-season replacement starting after Christmas, perhaps replacing a low performing show from the fall schedule.  We’ll be watching to see if the show will make it to the air and let you know when you can see it. Thanks to the RSA’s @cozohobo for the heads up about the tickets.  If any roboskellies go, please let us know and tell us what it’s like!

Emmy Nominations Announced
Nominations for the 2011 Prime Time Emmy Awards were announced Thursday morning.  The Late Late Show received no nominations this year, although The Late Show with David Letterman did pick up a nomination for “Outstanding Directing For A Variety, Music Or Comedy Series”, which was the only nod for Worldwide Pants and CBS in the late night arena. Nominees in the big category of “Outstanding Variety, Music Or Comedy Series” were the The Colbert Report, Conan, The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Real Time With Bill Maher and Saturday Night Live.  Conan O’Brien and Jimmy Fallon also each got nominations for “Outstanding Writing For A Variety, Music Or Comedy Series” and “Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media”. And who knows what Craig will say about this: Conan also picked up a nomination for “Outstanding Lighting Design/Lighting Direction For A Variety, Music, Or Comedy Series”. Since Craig’s debut with the Late Late Show in 2005, he has been nominated for one Emmy in the now defunct category of “Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program”. Singer Barry Manilow won the award that year for his special, Barry Manilow: Music and Passion.  The show’s most prominent award was the George Foster Peabody Award, for Craig’s 2009 interview with Archbishop Desmond Tutu.  Zap2It.com lists the Late Late Show among its list of “snubbed” shows in this year’s Emmys.

Tonight Show Buzz
Craig’s appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno garnered some attention, especially about his lapdance for Rose Byrne.  New York Magazine reported on the show, along with other outlets including Hollywood.com and Examiner.com.

Last Minute Press for Pooh

With Disney’s Winnie The Pooh opening nationwide on Friday, there are literally hundreds of reviews and cast interviews out there. The RSA’s @cozyhobo found this one from MSN Entertainment.

Among the many interviews of Craig for the launch of Winnie The Pooh, the one from Shoes.tv was one of the funniest. The RSA’s @Colleen_Byrne sent us the link. Knowing his audience, Craig talked more about his wife’s shoes than Pooh.

Video courtesy: shoes.tv

And if you’re looking for something different, Salon.com found an early Russian animated version of Winnie The Pooh.

A Hobo Theme Song
Charlie Winston sings Like a Hobo in the Paris subway. Seems like an appropriate tune for Craig’s legion of hobos.  Thanks to the RSA’s @skousehouse for finding such a fun video.

Josh Having Fun
The voice of Geoff Petersen, Josh Robert Thompson tweeted Thursday:

EXCLUSIVE PIC: @GeofftheRobot with SKIN! http://t.co/5rj8Z2T #RSA #balls #cbscares

Josh also laughed about the squeaky rubber duck necklace Geoff wore on Wednesday’s show.

That I sneakily put on Geoff right B4 showtime. *evil laugh* RT @Alianora84 Tonight was all about squeaky rubber ducky necklaces.

Tonight’s Guests
Thursday, on the Late Late Show, it’s a Winnie The Pooh extravaganza, with actress Zooey Deschanel who sang for the film’s soundtrack, and the voice of both Pooh and Tigger, Jim Cummings.  Friday, Craig welcomes actor Tim Daly, actress Leslie Bibb and the music of Foster the People.

The Late Late Show guest schedule has been updated through July 27th and includes return appearances for Matt Smith and Karen Gillan from Doctor Who, plus favorites Don Rickles and Mary McCormack. See the most up-to-date list on our Guests page.

UPDATE:  Want to be in the audience for the pilot of Craig Ferguson‘s new game show? CBS is shooting two pilot episodes of Celebrity Name Game on Friday, July 15th in Studio City, CA.  You can get tickets here!  From what we’ve heard, CBS has approved the pilots but has not made a commitment to order more episodes or to air the show.  We’ll keep our ear to the ground and let you know if CBS green lights the show.

Craig on The Tonight Show
Craig Ferguson appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Wednesday night.  Craig tweeted:

Aw crap. I just gave Rose Byrne a lap dance on the Tonight Show. I may have gone too far. #creepyscotsman.

And Craig’s assistant Rebecca Tucker added:

I highly recommend watching rose byrne’s segment after craig- hint: craig gives a lap dance

And here is the clip, thanks to NBC:

Video courtesy: NBC

Emmy Nominations Announced
Nominations for the 2011 Prime Time Emmy Awards were announced Thursday morning.  The Late Late Show received no nominations this year, although The Late Show with David Letterman did pick up a nomination for “Outstanding Directing For A Variety, Music Or Comedy Series”, which was the only nod for Worldwide Pants and CBS in the late night arena. Nominees in the big category of “Outstanding Variety, Music Or Comedy Series” were the The Colbert Report, Conan, The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Real Time With Bill Maher and Saturday Night Live.  Conan O’Brien and Jimmy Fallon also each got nominations for “Outstanding Writing For A Variety, Music Or Comedy Series” and “Outstanding Creative Achievement in Interactive Media”. And who knows what Craig will say about this: Conan also picked up a nomination for “Outstanding Lighting Design/Lighting Direction For A Variety, Music, Or Comedy Series”. Since Craig’s debut with the Late Late Show in 2005, he has been nominated for one Emmy in the now defunct category of “Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program”. Singer Barry Manilow won the award that year for his special, Barry Manilow: Music and Passion.  The show’s most prominent award was the George Foster Peabody Award, for Craig’s 2009 interview with Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

Craig Enjoyed Making Winnie The Pooh
With the Disney film Winnie The Pooh opening on Friday, the internet is filling up with reviews, clips and interviews with the cast.  At Sunday’s premiere in Los Angeles, Craig was stopped on the red (or should we say honey-colored) carpet.

Video courtesy: TrailerAddict.com

More Clips from the Film
StitchKingdom.com has a couple of clips from the film to keep you going until Friday.  And tomorrow, we’ll bring you a red carpet interview with Craig talking about shoes of all things. Don’t miss it!

Big Brother News and Stone Sings
Examiner.com reports on Julie Chen‘s appearance Tuesday night and the news she had from Big Brother.  And directlyrics.com reported on Joss Stone’s appearance on the show.

Nerdist and Gaiman Gush
The latest @Nerdist podcast with host Chris Hardwick features author Neil Gaiman. Both Neil and Chris had many nice things to say about Craig!  Meanwhile, in his own blog, Gaiman is also effusive about our fearless leader.  Thanks to the RSA’s @LoveAllThingsUK for the heads up.

Paris Preview
TVGuide.com has a short article previewing the Paris episodes of the Late Late Show, which run August 1st-5th on CBS.

Bradley Having Fun
Comedy sketch actor Bradley Laise popped up on the show last night, if only for a brief appearance.

Worked the Late Late Show yesterday! It’s always fun dressing up! Even if it’s a TuTu, & a Tierra!

Craig on Local Television in San Francisco
Craig appeared on a local San Francisco television station Wednesday afternoon to promote Winnie The Pooh. The first clip is the three minute edited segment that appeared on the air. The second is the unedited version of the interview and includes more about the film, the show, the Paris trip and more.

Video courtesy: 7liveonline.com

Tonight’s Guests
Wednesday on the Late Late Show, Craig talks with actor DJ Qualls and actress Angela Kinsey.  DJ tweeted earlier on Wednesday:

Ill be on the Late, Late Show with @CraigyFerg tonight. It should be a good show. Had a dream I threw up on the stage, lets see what happens

Thursday, it will be a Winnie The Pooh show, when Craig welcomes actress Zooey Deschanel who sang for the film’s soundtrack, and the voice of Pooh and Tigger, voice actor Jim Cummings.  Zooey tweeted:

@CraigyFerg – I hope you’re ready for fun tomorrow!!!

The Music of Pooh
The Disney film Winnie The Pooh opens Friday in the US and Canada, with Craig Ferguson performing the role of Owl, both speaking and singing… or at least speak-singing in a manner reminiscent of Rex Harrison!  In this behind-the-scenes clip, we see the actors recording some of the film’s music. At first, you just hear Craig in the background but later you see him at work! Thanks to the RSA’s @Girl_Atreide for letting us know about it.
Video courtesy: trailercodes.com

If you go to the trailercodes.com, you can see other backstage video from the making of the film. The clip above and the one we posted yesterday are the only two we’ve found on that site that specifically feature Craig.  However, there are more sites with Pooh previews and we’ll post a more clips of Craig talking about the film tomorrow!

Craig Talks about Owl
Craig tells Canada.com about the character of Owl.  Meanwhile, the Associated Press reports via the Boston Globe about the filmmakers’  goal of keeping it as close to the original in appearance and tone as possible.

Tuesday’s Guests Noticed
The writer of a post for accidentalsexiness.com wasn’t too happy when Elijah Wood said something about her home state of Florida on Monday’s show but enjoyed the interview.  And wetpaint.com liked Cat Deeley’s “tartan dress”.

Backstage in Atlantic City
The RSA’s @NormaApril had a chance to meet Craig backstage after his Atlantic City show last Saturday and shares her pictures with us.

Classic TV Maker Passes Away
Sherwood Schwartz, the creator and executive producer of television classics Gilligan’s Island and The Brady Bunch has died.  Schwartz was responsible for two of the most iconic shows of the 1960’s and 70’s and although they can be viewed by some today as campy, the shows brought real laughter and life lessons to millions of viewers.  He even wrote the memorable theme songs for both shows (remind you of anyone?).  The Los Angeles Times has more on Schwartz, who was 94 years old.

Tonight’s Guests
Tuesday on the Late Late Show, the host of CBS’ The Talk and Big Brother, Julie Chen talks with Craig, plus we’ll hear the music of Joss Stone.  Wednesday, Craig’s guests are actor DJ Qualls, and actress Angela Kinsey.

Note:  If you live in the San Francisco area, Craig is scheduled to be a guest on 7Live at 3:00pm PT on Wednesday.  Don’t forget, Craig appears on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno nationwide on Wednesday!

Winnie The Pooh Interview – Three Quick Clips
The RSA’s @Girl_Atreide found three quick clips of Craig talking about Winnie The Pooh and his role as Owl. Our apologies in advance for the loud, off-topic ad.

Video courtesy: TrailerCodes.com

She found another good clip with Craig singing… we’ll post that one tomorrow!

Potter vs. Pooh
With Winnie The Pooh and the final Harry Potter film sharing an opening day this Friday, Craig understands which movie will be the top draw.  But as he tells Zap2It.com, he’s fine with that because the films are trying to reach different audiences. Meanwhile, OK! Magazine covered Sunday’s premiere.

Don’t Forget Brave
The next film featuring Craig’s voice is the Disney/Pixar animated feature Brave, which comes to theaters next summer.  The RSA’s @HMSFox found an article from TheMarySue.com that details twenty reasons to be excited about Brave… and two of those reasons are Craig!

BTBATR on iTunes
You can now read Craig’s novel, Between the Bridge and the River on you iPhone, iPad or iPad Touch with the iBooks app, by going to iTunes.  Thanks to the RSA’s @EastRiverSong for the tip!

Puttin’ on the Ritz
Craig’s wardrobe and costume designer, the talented George T. Mitchell is profiled by the Wichita Eagle newspaper in Kansas.

Craig in Hammond, IN
The Horseshoe Casino in Hammond, Indiana posted some pictures from Craig’s show on Saturday night.  Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb for finding them.

In Your Pants
Josh Robert Thompson played along with the movie-themed “in my pants” game on Twitter Sunday evening as it trended worldwide, as did Geoff Petersen:

Great Balls of Fire…In My Pants #improvefilmtitlesbyaddinginmypants

And Josh clarified a tweet from Sunday:

Just so we’re clear: I am NOT a gay robot skeleton, I just play one on TV. #notintoballs #notyourpants

Tonight’s Guests
Monday on the Late Late Show, Craig’s guests are actor Elijah Wood and TV host Cat Deeley.  CBS tweeted:

How does @woodelijah meet women? Which dance move injured @catdeeley? Find out on #LateLateShow with @CraigyFerg 2nite – 12:37amET/PT!

Tuesday, it’s The Talk and Big Brother host Julie Chen and singer Joss Stone.

A Busy Time for Craig
Craig Ferguson has five all new shows this week. The volcano is buzzing about his appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno coming up on Wednesday.  Craig’s newest film, Winnie The Pooh opens on Friday in a theater near you.  Craig still has four appearances on stage this month and continues to work on screenplays in his spare time.  And don’t forget, we’re just three weeks away from the Paris episodes on the Late Late Show.  At all sounds like a typical summer for our fearless leader.

New Openers

Michael Palascak

Joe Matarese

With Randy Kagan busy working on his new web-based show, Craig tapped two comedians to be his opening acts over the weekend. In Atlantic City on Friday night, Joe Matarese warmed up the capacity crowd. And in Hammond, Indiana on Saturday, Michael Palascak started off the show. Both Joe and Michael have appeared on national television and radio and both were getting lots of compliments from roboskellies on Twitter this weekend. Welcome to Joe and Michael!  Randy is expected back for Craig’s shows in Toronto and Boson later in July.

Craig in a Podcast
Along with doing stand up, comedian Joe Matarese does a podcast and had Craig as his guest on Friday evening, recorded immediately after the show.  PLEASE NOTE:  Joe talks with a friend of his for about a half hour before he gets to Craig but it is worth the wait!

Your Stories and Pictures
If you have pictures from either the Atlantic City or Hammond shows, or want to share your story with the rest of the RSA, please let us know!  We’re happy to post your contributions here on the website.

The In My Pants Game
The lovely Stephen Fry took a spin at the In My Pants game on Twitter, using movie titles while he was waiting in the Los Angeles airport for his flight back to London on Sunday. Lots of roboskellies played along.




Josh Having Fun
The voice of Geoff Petersen, Josh Robert Thompson posted a fun video Sunday:

This one time I walked into an all-Black barbershop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsGJzuPWxwA&

He added this on Sunday evening:

I grew up an only child who played w puppets in his basement. Now I’m a gay robot on @CraigyFerg. Old habits die hard.

Winnie The Pooh Premiere
The US Premiere of Winnie the Pooh was held Sunday in Los Angeles.  Craig’s assistant Rebecca Tucker was there:

Pooh premiere! http://twitpic.com/5o7q8s

More premiere pictures, courtesy of WireImage and thanks to @colleen_byrne for finding these and more:

And these courtesy of Getty Images via Life.com:

Craig Interviewed at Pooh Premiere
Craig was interviewed briefly on the red carpet at Sunday’s premiere of Winnie The Pooh. Thanks to the RSA’s @MissGraoully for spotting the video.

Video courtesy: EdMagikTV


This Week’s Guests

Jim Cummings

It’s another week of all new episodes of the Late Late Show, beginning Monday with actor Elijah Wood and TV host Cat Deeley.  Tuesday, it’s The Talk and Big Brother host Julie Chen and singer Joss Stone.  Wednesday, Craig welcomes actor DJ Qualls and actress Angela Kinsey.  Actress Zooey Deschanel and voice actor Jim Cummings from Winnie The Pooh are in the studio on Thursday.  And on Friday, Craig’s guest is actor Tim Daly.

Craig Heads Back to LA
After a pair of stand up comedy performances in Atlantic City and the Chicago area, Craig Ferguson is heading back to LA for a week of fresh, new episodes of the Late Late Show. Up next for live appearances are Toronto, Montreal and Boston at the end of July and two shows in Minnesota in September. We’ve heard of no other bookings after the Minnesota shows and it is possible that Craig will be slowing down with live shows for a while. Book early to avoid disappointment on our Live Comedy Tour page.

After Friday night’s performance in Atlantic City, Craig retweeted a fan’s appreciation and thanked the audience:

RT @JP_Mobday: @CraigyFerg Killer show tonight!!! You were hilariously humorous. Thanks for the laughs! :). Thanks. You were a fab crowd.

And from all of the flailing and squeeing we can see on the tweety box, it looks like roboskellies have been having a good time in Chicago as well.

Rebecca Heads Home
Since leaving for Paris, Rebecca Tucker hasn’t been back to Los Angeles until late Saturday night. Welcome home!

after 31 days on the road, tonight I finally get to sleep in my own bed. Im celebrating with jumbo chilicheese dog at portillos in chicago.

Just For Laughs
Craig’s shows in Toronto and Boston will be his solo show.  But in Montreal, Craig will be hosting two shows featuring comedians from around the world.  The Press-Republican newspaper of Plattsburg, NY has an article about the upcoming Just for Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal. Thanks to the RSA’s @MissGraoully for sending us the link.  If it looks familiar, this was the story we accidentally posted for a few minutes on Thursday evening.  Please enjoy it in its entirety now.

More Pooh For You
More clips are surfacing from the new Disney animated feature film Winnie The Pooh, which opens Friday in the US and Canada. Take a look at this compilation of highlights, which includes more of Craig’s role as Owl.

A Longer Craig Interview
Meanwhile, the AAA Online Community has a story about the film, with a detailed and fun interview of Craig. Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb for the link.

Holiday Nation
Saturday, July 9th is Bald In-Bald Out Day (a day of support for women and children with baldness) and National Hop-A-Park Day, which encourages people to visit National Parks.  Sunday, July 10th is Don’t Step on a Bee Day, intended to raise awareness of shrinking bee populations and the potential impact on the environment and Clerihew Day.

A Loyal Craig Fan Passes Away
We are sad to report the passing of a Craig Ferguson fan and member of the RSA.  Raymond Murphy, better known from our comments section and to his many fans on the radio in Mobile, Alabama as Charlie Ocean died Wednesday at age 55.  You can read more about him in his complete obituary.  A memorial service was held for him Saturday afternoon.  We extend our sympathies to his family and many friends.