
We Like Craig
As robot skeletons, hobos, residents of the hollowed-out volcano… no matter what you call us, we are fans of Craig Ferguson and there are as many reasons as there are fans.  But the folks over at GeekSugar.com have come up with seven more, just in case you needed to add some to your list.  Thanks to the RSA’s @MissGraoully, @pinkbirdie48840 and others for the heads up.

Griffin on Bachmann

The mainstream and alternative media are swirling with stories about Kathy Griffin‘s appearance on the Late Late Show Thursday, in which she questioned the sexuality of Republican/Tea Party presidential candidate Michelle Bachman‘s husband Marcus.  Griffin is known as a gay rights supporter, was a vocal critic of Sarah Palin in the 2008 election and has been focusing on Bachman in the current race.  Coverage appeared in The Hollywood Reporter, The Huffington Post, PerezHilton.com, Advocate.com and several other publications Friday.

Lollipop Theater Network
Among the many charities Craig supports, he is fond enough of the Lollipop Theater Network to serve on their board.  The LTN provides first-run movies for hospitalized children and even visits from cast members when feasible.  Meanwhile, Pepsi is sponsoring a nationwide contest called the Refresh Project, which provides grants to worthy projects across the country.  If you vote for the Lollipop Theater Network during the month of September and enough votes are collected, you could help them win a $25,000 grant to continue their work.  To vote, visit the LTN page on Pepsi’s site.

We knew that @Fergybot4000 (an affectionate homage created by the RSA’s @tzankoff)  must have been up to something lately.  Now we know.  (It takes a while to load the video but it’s worth the wait).  We’ve also heard that @tzankoff is continuing to add enhancements and improvements to the Fergybot, so be sure to say hello.

Tonight’s Guests
Friday on the Late Late Show, Craig chats with actress Lindsay Sloane and actor Peter Krause.

The Labor Day holiday weekend in the US promises to be a slow few days for news stories.  If you have a story idea you’d like us to post, please let us know on our Contact page or tweet us @RSA_News.  Thanks and have a great weekend!

DVR Alert:  Football Delays
The Late Late Show may be delayed Thursday evening “in your region” due to NFL football (including the east coast feed).  This is the final week of the pre-season and most regular season games on CBS and Fox will be played on Sundays (Sunday nights on NBC and Mondays on ESPN) until Thanksgiving.  Because these are pre-season games, only some of them will be on CBS affiliates, so please check your local listings.

Inspiring Tweets
Actor/comedian Michael Ian Black tweeted about Craig Wednesday night:

.@craigyferg tweets inspire me to think about my future talk show. First off, I come out in swim flippers. No monologue or jokes: flippers.

Craig replied:

Hey @michaelianblack I like it. I like it a lot. Speedos, shorts or bare junk? #Brimleynation

The #Brimleynation hashtag spiked after Craig urged people to honor actor Wilford Brimley after all of this week’s Brimley banter between Craig and Geoff.

In case anyone is in any doubt. I love Wilford Brimley. Let us join together in a hashtag tribute. #Brimleynation.

Parenting Joys
Craig’s sister Lynn Ferguson tweeted Thursday:

Husband working away this wk. Dear anyone who thinks it’s easy to be single parent, pls step forward so I can punch you in the face

Worth the Fight
Craig recalls an altercation that altered his finger:

Video courtesy: Fergufool

Tonight’s Guests
Thursday on the Late Late Show, Craig welcomes comedienne Kathy Griffin and Entertainment Weekly writer Lynette Rice.  Craig tweeted:

Fabulous @kathygriffin on the show tonight. She follows none on tweety box so don’t even try. *snap* #shellbeafterme&therobotontheshowthough

And Kathy said:

On @Craigyferg 2nite. Last time I was on, took this hott pic w @Gavindegraw. Feelin better GD? XO http://lockerz.com/s/134965013

Friday, Craig’s guests will be actress Lindsay Sloane and actor Peter Krause.

Slowly Returning To Normal
Power is still out for about two million people across the east coast but has been restored to even more over the past few days as power crews work around the clock.  Flood cleanup is progressing as more roads are opened, fallen trees are removed and business and home owners work to restore the damage left behind.  Even the RSA’s General @Malinky2Stoatir, displaced over the weekend by Irene has returned to the hollowed-out volcano:

*leans down on bended knee & kisses the tweety ground* I’m back!

Glad to have you back, Mal!  Meanwhile, Craig Ferguson‘s busy comedy mind is always at work:

Oh my Lord. The Wilfred Brimley madness continues on the show tonight. This might be becoming a thing. #ihopesohesdreamy

Tweto Tweets
Ariel Tweto tweeted to Craig after Tuesday’s show:

Awww thanks everyone! Had a blast on @craigyferg!! We will do it again soon I hope! #celebratetonight // @craigyferg I am so sorry I called you old!! It just popped out of my mouth! Just so u know you don’t look a day over 39 😉 #blabbermouth

OK Magazine reports on Chi McBride‘s appearance on the LLS Tuesday night, when he compared Khloe Kardashian-Odom to cereal mascot Frankenberry.

Comedy In Denver
Craig has fined-tuned his stand up comedy sets at the Comedy Works in Denver on several occasions and this year, the busy club known for identifying promising up and coming acts turns 30 years old.

Letterman Anniversary
David Letterman celebrated his 18th anniversary at CBS with what else?  A top ten list, which appears also on HuffingtonPost.com.  Add that to the years he spent at his late night show on NBC, and Letterman is nearing the three decades of late night television attained by his idol, Johnny Carson.  While there has been speculation about Letterman retiring,  he has kept his future plans under wraps.  His current contract expires in August of 2012, along with Craig’s.

Video courtesy: CBS

Tonight’s Guests
Wednesday on the Late Late Show, Craig talks with actress Leslie Bibb and comedian Louie Anderson, who tweeted:

going to CBS to do a stand-up set old school on the Late Late Show with the great Craig Ferguson, I’m excited, watch me airs tonight!

Thursday, Craig welcomes back comedienne Kathy Griffin and interviews Entertainment Weekly writer Lynette Rice.

Updated Guest List

The Late Late Show guest list has been updated through September 9th, including Lisa Kudrow, James Marsden, Wolfgang Puck, Bill Bailey, Alfred Molina and Brie Larson.  See the full list on our Guests page any time.

Ride ’em Captain!
William Shatner‘s impromptu Craig Ferguson horseback ride on Monday’s show got noticed by New York Magazine, The Today Show and WetPaint.com.

Zombie Talk Show
AMC is considering a reality-style talk show playing off of its hit series Walking Dead.  According to the website io9.com, they have already filmed a pilot with the @Nerdist Chris Hardwick.  Perhaps they’re thinking, if CBS can have a show with robot skeleton sidekick, why can’t AMC have the walking dead on a talk show?

Give Him a Hand
Geoff Peterson thanked the Mythbusters Grant Imahara for helping to fix his hand:

@grantimahara Thanks for the temporary arm. It’s almost like having someone else’s hand…in my pants. #code #blatant

[stextbox id=”custom”]Geoff also tweeted to actress Bianca Kajlich, who was a surprise (at least to us) entry to Monday’s show: @MissKajlich Poke me.  She responded: I think that’s your job my darling And Geoff said: Once I get my other arm working, you’re gonna get it…in your pants.[/stextbox]

[stextbox id=”custom”]Meanwhile, Josh Robert Thompson said: Being @GeoffTheRobot allows me to say inappropriate things to hot, female celebs while hiding behind a curtain. #creepy He also asked after Monday’s show: @MissKajlich What did you do to my robot (@GeoffTheRobot)?! He’s been pulling at his wires all day. #blindrobot[/stextbox]

Following their usual sense of whimsy, the LLS added Kajlich to the show and bumped actress Eliza Coupe and comedian Ted Alexandro to a future date.

Craig and Snakes
Craig may have poked fun at Justin Bieber for carrying a snake to the MTV Movie Awards but had a little trouble concentrating when a real live snake appeared in the studio:

Video courtesy: Fergufool

Tonight’s Guests
Tuesday on the Late Late show, actor Chi McBride and reality TV personality Ariel Tweto join Craig on the set.

Tweto tweeted (say that five times fast):

@craigyferg I’ll see you soon! So excited for tonight!!! #thelatelateshow

Katherine Nelson from the Discovery Channel added a photo:

http://yfrog.com/nzwduj With @arieltweto backstage at @craigyferg !

Then on Wednesday, Craig talks with actress Leslie Bibb and comedian Louie Anderson.

The Storm Passes but Cleanup Remains
Now that Irene has left the building, plenty of cleanup remains.  From what we’ve been seeing on the tweety box, there are still a number of roboskellies still without power from the Carolinas to Maine.  Others have seen damage to their homes and workplaces, and flooding could continue to be problem in several states as swollen rivers carry rain waters away.  Patience and perseverance will be important as roads and bridges are repaired, trees and debris are cleaned up and thousands of workers from power companies work around the clock to restore service.  Authorities say it could be several days before power will reach all of the affected areas and repairs to homes and businesses will take longer.  Most are thankful they got through the storm.  On Monday, the RSA’s @NCcoastgirl asked Josh Robert Thompson about ideas for getting through the power outage:

@joshrthompson We lost electricity for 16 hrs. We played all sorts of games, but still got bored. Any suggestions to help past time?

Josh replied:

Naked twister. Depending on who you’re playing with, it could last for hours.

Enjoying Craig and Geoff
The RSA’s @SonjasInk blogs about her appreciation for Craig Ferguson and Geoff Peterson.

Origins of the Fergasm
The RSA’s @Fergufool has found some earlier references to the “Fergasm” and attached them in the comments section of our most recent post.

Are You Represented?
The website Buzzinelifestyle.com profiles comedian turned talent manager Rick Siegal, who helped bring Craig from the UK to the US.

Tonight’s Guests
Monday on the Late Late Show, Craig listens to stuff that William Shatner says, chats with actress Eliza Coupe and we see a stand up comedy spot recorded a few months ago by Ted Alexandro.  Craig tweeted:

Bloody hell! William Shatner is 80 years old and he actually rode me like a naughty donkey on the show. Really. #Kirkporn. #Hopehe’llphone

CBS added:

2nite @WilliamShatner horses around w/ @CraigyFerg, literally! Plus Bianca Kajlich from #ROE stops by! #LateLateShow! yfrog.com/ke45tpwj

Tuesday, Craig welcomes actor Chi McBride and reality TV personality Ariel Tweto.

Weathering the Storm
The video and photos have been remarkable, more than four and a half million have been left without power, the damage has been significant but Tropical Storm Irene is beginning to break apart over Canada and will give the east coast a chance to dry out and recover. Flooding, power outages and securing damaged buildings are the main concerns now. For all of our many friends along the east coast, we hope that you and yours have fared well through the storm and that life will begin to return to normal.

A Craig Double?
The RSA’s @caudet20 was attending a play last summer and spotted an actor with a resemblance to Craig. What do you think? Take a look at the photo of the actor on the left, compared to the photos of Craig in the center and right. Is this what Craig looks like on his weekends?

Friends When Bennett Fits?
The RSA’s @HMSFox tweeted an idea for Geoff Peterson:

“I left my heart in San Francisco…” Should be @GeoffTheRobot ‘s theme song. #TonyBennettforever

And Geoff replied:

If you pay the royalties, it can be.

Craig Embraces the Fergasm
Craig first heard about the word “Fergasm” back in 2009 when a viewer noticed it on UrbanDictionary.com.

Video courtesy: urbandictionary.com

This Week’s Guests

Ariel Tweto

It’s another week of all-new episodes of the Late Late Show, beginning Monday with actor William Shatner, actress Eliza Coupe and the oft-bumped comedian Ted Alexandro. Tuesday, actor Chi McBride returns along with reality TV personality Ariel Tweto. Wednesday features visits from actress Leslie Bibb and comedian Louie Anderson. Comedienne Kathy Griffin ruffles Craig’s feathers on Thursday, along with Entertainment Weekly writer Lynette Rice. And on Friday, Craig welcomes actress Lindsay Sloane and actor Peter Krause.

East Coast Storms
Our thoughts are with the many Craig Ferguson fans of the Robot Skeleton Army along the east coast as Hurricane Irene makes its way northward.  We hope everyone is well-provisioned and in a safe place to ride out the storm, whether at home, in one of the many available shelters or staying with friends, family or hotels further inland.  Power is out for more than a million people, starting first in the Carolinas and Virginia but moving north with the storm.  Tornado watches and warnings have been posted as the storm spins its way along.  Heavy rains and flooding are being reported in more communities.  The Weather Channel developed a chart to compare the size of Irene to previous large storms, which we’ve posted here.  We’ve been talking on Twitter with many east coast roboskellies, who have battened down the hatches are are hanging on.  Even the RSA’s General @Malinky2Stoatir pulled up stakes to move to safer ground, tweeting:

I’m okay…out of the city. #Irene

Public transportation including subways, trains, buses and airports have been closed or will be soon closed in many major cities along the coast, as authorities urge people to stay inside and keep the streets clear for emergency vehicles.  Be sure to keep an eye on local and national newscasts, television and radio weather reports as well as the internet for the very latest on the progress of the storm.  We hope everyone stays safe!

Craig Enjoys Neil
Craig liked Neil Gaiman‘s books enough to buy the movie rights to a series of mystery novels he wrote.   On Thursday night, he tweeted:

Because @neilhimself is so chummy on the tweetbox I sometimes forget he is a truly great writer. I’m reading “Smoke & Mirrors” #realgenius

Neil saw the tweet and replied:

@CraigyFerg You’re only saying that to get me to bring you a vegetarian @MacsweenHaggis from Edinburgh. (And thank you.)

And Craig responded:

@neilhimself Perhaps. But It puts the haggis in Its trousers or It gets the hose again. #haggistrafficking

Which got Neil laughing:

@CraigyFerg That is probably the funniest thing I’ve ever read on Twitter. #theSilenceftheHaggis #haggistrafficking

Oompa Loompas with Accents
The website Monsters and Critics like Shirley Manson‘s views on fake tans in Scotland.

What a Gig
In the early day’s of Craig’s run on the Late Late Show, he inherited the sound effects machine from his predecessor. Here, is has fun playing with his favorite noises:

Video courtesy: banaram100

This Weekend’s Holidays
If you need something to celebrate this weekend besides the gifts of friends, family and surviving the storm, Saturday August 27th is the birthday of Mother Teresa, President Lyndon Johnson and “The Duchess” Who Wasn’t Day… and yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Sunday, August 28th the birthday of author Leo Tolstoy, Dream Day Quest and Jubilee , National  Bow Tie Day and World Sauntering Day, so don’t walk… don’t run… just saunter your way through the day.