
Two Sentences, Two Revelations
Among the many people who write about late night television in America, the New York Times’ Bill Carter is widely regarded as one of the best.  He’s well-connected.  He does his research.  His observations about the reasons behind past events are sharp and insightful.  And more often than not, his predictions about the future tend to come true.  So Carter’s article in Friday’s Times should make at least a few people take notice, including fans of Craig Ferguson.  We urge you to read the entire article to understand the context in which Carter writes… it is primarily an article about how the days of the traditional late night talk show are probably numbered.

[pullquote]Yet if Mr. Letterman does decide to extend his time on the show, it will certainly affect Mr. Ferguson, who has a clause in his contract guaranteeing him the 11:35 slot when Mr. Letterman leaves. One possible outcome that some CBS executives have cited — though they say they don’t fully believe it — is that Mr. Ferguson might quit his 12:30 show if Mr. Letterman remains. –Bill Carter, New York Times [/pullquote]What caught our eye, however, were two sentences about halfway through the article.  For as long as Craig has been in the 12:37am time slot at CBS, he has publicly insisted that he’s happy there and has no particular designs on moving to 11:35pm in the future.  In several interviews, he has (as have many fans and observers) worried aloud that the earlier time slot could stifle the creativity he currently brings to his show.  After seeing what happened to Conan O’Brien at NBC, these are not insignificant concerns.  So we were at least a little bit surprised to read Carter’s note that Craig has a clause in his contract guaranteeing him a move to 11:35pm when David Letterman departs.  And then Carter mentions another possibility; that Craig could decide to leave before Letterman does.

While we hope he decides to stay, the idea of Craig leaving is certainly within the realm of possibility.  He seems to be energized of late by the live banter with Geoff Peterson (thanks to the talented Josh Robert Thompson), but he has talked in the past about being bored with some of the day-to-day nature of doing the show.  Whether is merely schtick or reality, Letterman gives every appearance of having been bored with his show for several years.  Craig keeps his creativity brewing with his daily monologue and by continuing to do live stand up comedy, writing screenplays and shepherding projects with his production company.  Letterman has his auto racing interests as well as a television production company.  But if Letterman decides to renew, will Craig continue to wait?  Contracts for both hosts expire in less than a year… August of 2012.

We have no special insight into these matters but would offer some educated guesses:  David Letterman is probably getting tired.  He has lasted 30 years on network television, equaling the run of his idol, Johnny Carson.  He has witnessed the recent retirements of Larry King, Oprah Winfrey and the pending retirement of Regis Philbin.  And at age 64 (66 by 2014), he has plenty of money and could walk away at any time.  But despite all of that, we would take Carter’s assertion one step further:  CBS President Les Moonves not only wouldn’t push Letterman out, we think he’ll ask Letterman to re-up through 2014… wait two years and maybe even ask for another deal through 2016.

And if Dave stays for two to four more years, it’s probably a safe bet that Craig will, too.  If he negotiated a clause in his contract guaranteeing him the 11:35pm show, it seems pretty clear that despite his protestations in some interviews, he really does want the job.  We depart from Carter in only one respect:  Rather than abandoning them, the networks are likely to keep the talk shows in some form for a long time to come.  Bands may come and go, desks or microphones may get moved, salaries may be lowered and social media may become more integrated.  But there is still no better way for the networks, record companies, publishers and movie studios (with whom the networks are ever more entwined) to promote their stars, television shows, albums, books and films to a wide audience.  People want to see celebrities talk about their work and hear anecdotes from their lives, either on television at night or watching online clips the next day.  Because of the internet and DVR’s, the real audience for late night shows is probably double what the traditional ratings suggest, making it fertile ground for advertisers.  And even though the big late night show are expensive to produce, they still bring in many millions of dollars… more than most other shows the networks have to offer.  Getting disenchanted with the genre is one thing.  Walking away from the money is quite another.  And as for Craig, his creative mind may not be taxed by celebrity interviews but he puts on a more creative and entertaining show than almost anyone else on television today and if he stays the course, that talent and a willing network can put money in his pocket for many years to come.

Speaking of Creativity
Craig does know how to have fun. Friday evening, he enjoyed his son’s bemusement:

My 10 yr old son just found out about the NASCAR driver named Dick Trickle. I may have to get oxygen. The kid is losing it.

Chris Young on Dating
Country singer Chris Young tells theboot.com that he’s looking for dates that are “spur of the moment” types.  The crooner who has twice been named Country Weekly Magazine’s “hottest bachelor” will be on the Late Late Show Monday night.

Praise for Bill Bailey
No less a voice than comedian Eddie Izzard has good things to say about Bill Bailey, and posted a link to Bailey’s tour schedule:

Mr @BillBailey is a very funny man and is doing a short run of shows in the US and Canada. Do check it out: http://www.billbailey.co.uk/tour

Sealing the Deal
Did you enjoy Craig, Geoff and guest Tim Meadows joking about “sealing the deal” through most of Thursday night’s show?  You can thank the RSA”s @HMSFox for the tweet that got them going:

@CraigyFerg Dear Craig: When I meet a guy I like, I can never ‘seal the deal’ and get a phone number. Any advice? Tammy, Naperville IL

Yes, Craig reads real tweets from real viewers every night.  You can tweet @CraigyFerg yourself and maybe yours will be read on the air!

Tonight’s Guests
Friday on the Late Late Show, Craig talks with actor Alfred Molina and actress Brie Larson.

Craig Up Close
Craig Ferguson says what he means and means what he says, especially when it comes to his hair. Thanks to the RSA’s @Fergfool for capturing the super close up from Wednesday’s show.

The Reality of Regis
Could Regis Philbin get his own reality show?  The veteran talk show host will be leaving his signature show, Live with Regis and Kelly in November but is considering other offers, including a show that would essentially follow him around during his busy days.  They even shot a pilot episode during the week he appeared most recently on the Late Late Show.  Reporting on the story Thursday were USAToday, aceshowbiz.com and ivillage.com.

It’s All in the Eyes
The RSA’s @doxieone1 has some fun with Geoff Peterson‘s new eyes.

Won’t You Come Home?
Here’s a bit more of Bill Bailey, who appears on Thursday’s show:

Video courtesy: loldini

Tonight’s Guests
Thursday on the Late Late Show, Craig welcomes back actor/comedian Tim Meadows and has fun with the hilariously smart Bill Bailey.  Then on Friday, Craig chats with actor Alfred Molina and actress Brie Larson.

Salad with Special Powers
AOL TV noticed Lisa Kudrow’s conversation with Craig about the powers of certain salads.

Kimmel Back On Time in Chicago
The Chicago Tribune talked with Jimmy Kimmel about his show moving time slots to immediately follow Nightline in the Chicago market, as he does in most of the country.  For several years, his show had aired an hour later there, starting after Jimmy Fallon and Craig, rather than before.

Science is Cool
Late Late Show guest Dan Riskin talks to the Vancouver Sun about his show and the fun of being interviewed by Craig Ferguson.

Bill Bailey
Before his appearance on the LLS Thursday, we thought you might want to learn a little bit about comedian Bill Bailey.  In addition to being a very sharp comedian, he is also a very skilled musician who works music deftly into his act.  Take a look:

Video courtesy: qorize

Bailey tweeted:

Heading to America, first to LA for larks on @CraigyFerg then NYC for Dandelion Shows .. Might see you there

Tonight’s Guests
Wednesday on the Late Late Show, Craig interviews actor James Marsden and gets bossed around by Chef Wolfgang Puck. CBS tweeted:

2nite on #LateLateShow: James Marsden stops by, plus @CraigyFerg gets creative while cooking w/ Wolfgang Puck – 12:37am ET/PT

Thursday, Craig welcomes back actor/comedian Tim Meadows and enjoys comedian Bill Bailey.

Best Talk Show Host Poll
Craig has made it through to the final round of the “Best Talk Show Host” category of National Lampoon‘s Twitter Awards contest.  To help Craig take home the victory, vote for him on their page (if you can ignore the cheesy trumpet fanfare).  Winners will be announced on September 20th.

A Vote for Warrior
Craig’s assistant, Rebecca Tucker tweeted a movie recommendation:

My pick for best movie of the year? Warrior. Go see it.

Enough Time To Tweet
Craig’s sister Lynn Ferguson and her husband Mark Tweddle had a little fun on Twitter Tuesday, after Lynn made an observation about the local houseflies:

[stextbox id=”custom”]Lynn: Man, houseflys here in LA have entitlement issues. Try and swat them and they’re like, ” f@*k you” Mark: Took 4 yr old to office so @lynnfergy could get some work done, but she just swats flies & tweets about it! 😉 #imintrouble Lynn: @latweddle seems like you’re not so overworked yourself #potcallingkettle[/stextbox]

Hugh Laurie’s Album
The Wall Street Journal talks with LLS favorite Hugh Laurie about his album which went on sale in the US today, and being on the road as a musician.  Thanks to the RSA’s @HMSFox for the link.

Brian Williams Sounds Like Regis
In case you missed David Letterman’s interview with NBC News anchor Brian Williams, do yourself a favor, wake the kids, call in the family and watch this clip.  Brian tells a great story about Regis Philbin (complete with a pretty solid impression of Regis), recalling a night when the two of them flew on a small private plane to attend an awards ceremony.  And in case Brian’s Regis impression doesn’t hold up, Canada’s Metro News found four others (including Geoff Peterson) to consider.

Video courtesy: CBS

Tonight’s Guests
Despite some outlets claiming tonight’s show is a re-run, it is in fact an all-new episode featuring actress/producer Lisa Kudrow and journalist Richard Engel.  On Wednesday, Craig chats with actor James Marsden and Chef Wolfgang Puck.

Big Guest Update

The list of upcoming guests grew considerably today, with the addition of country singer Chris Young, James Woods, actor Anthony Head, comedian Joe Matarese (who opened for Craig in Atlantic City earlier this summer), Keith Olbermann, Anna Kendrick, Billy Gardell, Kat Dennings, the always funny and proudly geeky @Nerdist Chris Hardwick, and to the joy and delight of many hobos, Gerard Butler.  Plus next week, Craig has invited a group of dancers from the Moulin Rouge to join him in the studio in Los Angeles!  Dates for some of these appearances have been confirmed, others have not yet been set.  Check out our Guests page any time for the latest details.

Craig on a Card?
The RSA’s @cozyhobo spotted an interesting post on bleedingcool.com about a series of 52 trading cards featuring a “Geek a Week“, with such notables in the geek community as Kevin Smith, Adam Savage, “Weird Al” Yankovic, Chris Hardwick and Wil Wheaton.  They have apparently been well-received and the artist has decided to issue a limited run of 15 new cards if he can reach a new donation goal.  If he does, one of the 15 cards will feature Craig Ferguson, in honor of his vocal support of Doctor Who, Mythbusters and other geeky things.  We’ll keep an eye on it and let you know if the goal is reached and the Craig card is produced.

Tipsy Geoff
Monday’s show could be very interesting, considering Craig’s tweet:

I’m conflicted. @GeoffTheRobot was drunk on tonight’s show. I’m his boss & can’t condone that behavior but he was hilarious. #tipsycyborg.

We’re wondering how Geoff could be drunk with no digestive system.  You would think it would take quite a lot of alcohol but we’ll find out!

Late Night Host Contest
There is a new Twitter-related contest to pick the best late night host; this time from the folks at National Lampoon.  Be aware that when you click the link, it will play a trumpet fanfare, twice, for no apparent reason.  But scroll down and you’ll find the late night host category.  If Craig gets enough votes to make it to the finals, we’ll update you.  Thanks to the RSA’s @zelixer  for the link.

Red Ties All Around
The RSA’s @doxieone1 wondered what it would be like if the big red tie idea caught on and put together a new poster.

Experimenting, Anyone?
In this classic Craig clip, our fearless leader talks with actress Aisha Tyler about the benefits of hotel sex, as opposed to at-home sex… and the limits of being experimental with a long-term partner.  Be sure to stick around for the “What did we learn on the show tonight, Craig” clip at the end, where Craig removes his shoes and gets philosophical.

Video courtesy: Fergufool

Tonight’s Guests
Despite the Labor Day holiday, Monday’s Late Late Show is all new with the host of The Talk and Big Brother, Julie Chen, along with professional poker player and tournament champion Annie Duke.  Tuesday, Craig welcomes actress/producer Lisa Kudrow and journalist Richard Engel.

See Craig Live
As we enter the final third of the year, Craig is continuing to make appearances around the country doing live stand up comedy.  If you live on the east coast or the middle of the country, don’t miss your chance to see him on stage.  He’ll be near Minneapolis, Minnesota at the end of this month, then in Red Bank, New Jersey in October and in South Florida in November… in Fort Myers and near Miami.  See the full listings on our Live Comedy Tour page.  Tickets are still available for his two shows in Minnesota.  So far, the other three locations have not posted ticket details but we’ll update our page as soon as they do.

Thanks to Craig
A reference to Craig popped up on the PostSecret.com website, with an important message (Thanks to the RSA’s @csphagetti and @colleen_byrne for the link):

Even More Help
And in case you’re feeling a bit surly this weekend, Craig offers this solution:

Video courtesy: Fergufool

This Week’s Guests

Bill Bailey

Just because Monday is a holiday doesn’t mean a day off for the Late Late Show.  All new episodes are on tap this week, starting Monday with TV host Julie Chen and professional poker player Annie Duke.  Tuesday, Craig talks with actress/producer Lisa Kudrow and journalist Richard Engel.  Wednesday, Craig welcomes actor James Marsden and gets bossed around by chef Wolfgang Puck.  British comedian and musician Bill Bailey is on the show Thursday, along with actor/comedian Tim Meadows.  If you’ve never seen Bill Bailey’s brand of humor, be sure to tune in.  And on Friday, Craig’s guests are actor Alfred Molina and actress Brie Larson.

Overused Movie Lines
For fun on a Saturday, Family Guy producer Seth MacFarlane tweeted about an overused movie line:

Overused movie line #825: “How can you think about food at a time like this?!”

Craig Ferguson responded with a few of his favorite examples:

I agree @SethMacFarlane. Also. “Thanks for helping me out back there” & “We’re through the looking glass here, people.” #overusedmovielines // “Stupid Monkey! You’ll learn who’s boss soon enough” #overusedmovielines – only once in Planet of The Apes but that was too much.

When a follower asked a question, Craig responded:

“@jkconnolly: @CraigyFerg Didn’t Matt Damon say that to Robin Williams in ‘Good Will Hunting’ too?!” oh yeah. My bad. #carefulicarus

And he added:

“Now I shall hunt the greatest game of all- man” #overusedmovielines #carefulicarus #LeTitsNow #overusedhashtags

Talk Show Host in a Van
Canada’s JR Digs is trying to become a talk show host.  And maybe one day, he”ll get there, as Toronto.com discovered.

On The Phone
Craig recounts a story where a Hollywood “crikey-dingo” got caught faking it:

Video courtesy: Fergufool

Holiday Weekend
It’s the Labor Day holiday weekend in the US (Labour Day in Canada if you prefer).  Saturday, September 3rd  is Independence Day in Qatar and Charlie Sheen‘s birthday.  Coincidence?  Yes, definitely.  Sunday, September 4th is International Drive Your Studebaker Day (points if you don’t have to look up what a Studebaker is), and Newspaper Carrier Day.  Thanks to those who work those overnight hours in all kinds of weather to deliver the paper each day (points if you don’t have to look up what a newspaper is).  Monday, September 5th,  in addition to being Labor Day, is the birthday of Jesse James (the western outlaw, not the guy who left Sandra Bullock for Kat Von D), the birthday of musician Dweezil Zappa (don’t bother looking him up) and Be Late for Something Day.

Guest Update

Sigourney Weaver

Several guests have been added the Late Late Show’s future listings including Tim Meadows, Lauren Graham, Kathryn Hahn, Danny DeVito, Sigourney Weaver as well as Olivia Munn and Kunal Nayyar, who were bumped ahead from previous weeks.  As always, the most up-to-date listings are on our Guests page.