Tonight is the night! After a two week break that gave the Late Late Show crew some much-deserved vacation time but gave LLS fans a steady diet of reruns, it’s time for fresh, new episodes to return to CBS! Craig‘s first show back is bound to be a big one, so we hope you’ll join us to talk about it. Tonight at 11pm Eastern Time (8pm Pacific) we’re opening the RSA News special event LIVE chat room, where RSA members can talk about Craig, the show and all things robot-y and skeleton-y. Look for the chat room button under the title bar near the top left corner of this page after 11pm ET and click on it to sign in. We’ll stay open for about six hours… from 11pm Eastern (95 minutes before the show starts in the East) until 1:45am Pacific (shortly after the show ends in the West). We hope you’ll join us for some fun!
If you are a fan of the CBS show The Big Bang Theory and you can get to the CBS Television City studios in Los Angeles, you might want to block off the afternoon of Wednesday, September 22nd on your calendar. It appears Craig will be interviewing the entire cast that day. We’re not sure if they’ll all be appearing together on the same day, doing a sketch or if the interviews will be spread out for different broadcasts… but all five will be in the studio that day: Kaley Cuoco, Jim Parsons, Simon Helberg, Johnny Galecki and Kunal Nuyyar.
LLS assistant producer Andrea Wayland responded to a question from RSA member @HMSFox with an interesting answer today: The tweets/emails used on the show are NEVER seen by Craig until he says the words out live on air!! Awesome, right!? 🙂 It is… which is why it’s important to remember one of Andrea’s big tips about sending tweets to Craig… you don’t need to try to be funny. He’ll take care of that when he reads it! And Andrea also agreed with the RSA’s @michpamoran who made a good point to save space:  if we have the tweet locator on, we don’t have2 use a spce to put our town in tweets. And LLS producer Michael Naidus is back in the swing of things: Pretty sure I’m home. Looks like home, so it’s either that or a very complicated ruse.
The RSA’s @Colleen_Byrne has assembled a collection of screen captures from Craig’s Shark Week special on the Discovery Channel.
Tonight on the Late Late Show, welcome back Craig! He’ll be chatting with actor Adam Goldberg and hear music by Chief.
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