Pre-Show Publicity
The latest leg of Craig Ferguson‘s centipede-sized New Deal Tour gets started later this month, and the pre-show publicity machine is already rolling. Craig did a nice podcast interview with the Asbury Park Press newspaper, where he talked about his career, doing stand up comedy and Game of Thrones. He also spoke with the ABC Radio station in New York about politics in comedy. And be sure to set those DVRs! As Craig gears up for his east coast run, he’ll be appearing on the 10-11am hour of NBC’s Today Show on Tuesday, July 18, reports Headline Planet. Thanks to the RSA’s @bgrhubarb for spotting it first.

Montreal To Honor Craig
When Craig appears for a pair of shows at the Just For Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal, he will also receive the festival’s Alumni Tribute Award, reports the Montreal Gazette. One of Craig’s first appearances in North America was at the festival, and it helped lead to other opportunities along the way.

Radio Show Bingo
Craig Ferguson fan @Stimpsonjcat67 put together a bingo game you can play while listening to Craig’s SiruisXM show. It features things that seem to happen on almost every show, like when Craig or Joe step away from the microphone, Craig says “Tweety” or when he cusses. It’s a great idea. Play along and have fun!

Second Chances
We haven’t shown an exciting final round of Celebrity Name Game for a while, so here’s one from “second chance week.”

Video courtesy: Celebrity Name Game

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