Special note to our RSA friends: Craig sent out a tweet after the show this afternoon: There is somebody on myspace pretending to be me. How sad. Its bad enough being the real thing.
We do not wish to draw attention to that page and will not post it here. Nor will we post links to other pages on MySpace or Facebook which claim to be Craig. We hope you do use the links section on the right-hand column of this page. We list only one Facebook site, which we have been told is the legitimate Late Late Show site operated by the CBS network. We also link to the network’s main Late Late Show website. The rest are links to Craig-related fan pages which are as they appear to be: Created and operated by fans. We are happy to link to other fan-based sites you tell us you enjoy. However, to our knowledge, Craig has no social media presence apart from @CraigyFerg on Twitter. And for the record, this site, robotskeletonarmy.blogspot.com, is entirely fan created. It is in no way connected with Craig or the Late Late Show as we clearly state in our legal notice in the right-hand column of the page.
Internet safety:
Following along with today’s Twitter conversation about the MySpace page, two points seem appropriate to make here. The first involves safety. Any social media page, whether MySpace, Facebook, Twitter or elsewhere which purports to be be operated by a celebrity should be approached with caution. Twitter utilizes their “Verified” logo program to help identify legitimate celebrity users but there are few other ways on the surface to know for sure. The motives of anyone pretending to be a celebrity are not easy to determine. While they may not be sinister, caution is advisable wherever there is an attempt to deceive. If something makes you feel uncomfortable, there is often a good reason.
Fan enthusiasm:
The second point involves helping each other as fans. It is important that if anyone feels their personal safety is threatened, to speak up and equally important that others take their concerns seriously. It is also useful to be skeptical about the origin of sites like the the one Craig mentioned today. However, it is not helpful to be dismissive of people’s beliefs or opinions, especially when waiting for a definitive answer.
It is not an embarrassment to have been fooled by a site like this… judging by the number of fans/friends/followers of these pages, many have been taken in. Nor is it unreasonable to ask questions or debate differing points to view. But such debates can happen without personal attacks or anger over issues that should unite us as fans. We consider every RSA member to be part of our unusual, quirky but respectful extended family.
The question of whether the page was real was settled today by Craig himself. We hope any disagreements or bad feelings stirred up by it can be settled as well.
Finally, let’s end on a lighter note. Craig just tweeted: If you think vampire bats have cute tiny little testicles you’d better watch the show tonight …or continue livivng your bat nut lie. If that won’t get you to watch the show, nothing will.
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