Paris Pictures
More pictures from Paris are making their way onto the interwebs.  Our Euroskelly contributor @003lili sent some of the images she captured while Craig was at work. We are particularly fond of the picture in the center of the top row… with Craig contemplating… and of the one in the lower right, working in front of the bookstore on Friday. Lili is an excellent photographer!

One Fan’s Story
Note: Spoilers! The RSA’s @003lili not only took some wonderful photographs… she was also kind enough to write a detailed story about her experiences following Craig around Paris and meeting him. There are a few spoilers inside, including locations and information about some segments, so avoid reading if you want to be surprised in August. Otherwise, enjoy. Thank you, Lili!

We’ve heard from a few readers who couldn’t see Lili’s text on her page, so we have reprinted the story below.  If you don’t mind seeing the spoilers, just click on the arrow.

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I feel like I have to write this down properly:
I´m probably gonna refer to this adventure as one of my best experiences ever! When I heard Craig Ferguson is gonna be in Europe, Paris to be exact, I couldn’t believe it. I hesitated a moment in case it was a joke, but it wasn’t. So I decided right away, that I would be there. I would not miss this opportunity to see him and a taping of my favorite TV Show. I will be going to Paris to look for him and make a little dream come true for me.
Everyone I told about this either didn’t believe me or said I was crazy. Maybe I am… But I don’t care what others think haha. So I booked my flight, I booked a hostel and all left to do was wait. I had only Thursday and Friday off work and school so those were my only chances to go and see Craig in Paris.
Since he said on the show, that they were gonna be tweeting where they were shooting I wasn’t concerned at all about not seeing him. But then Monday passed without news, Tuesday passed without news and I got really scared how high the chances are to not see him! Fortunately Wednesday changed everything and there were pictures on Twitter of people with Craig and Craig shooting and I was VERY relieved. I can´t say I wasn’t scared at all anymore (I mean what if it was only Wednesday and Thursday and Friday would be dead what if… and so on…). So I took my flight early and arrived at the hostel around 11 o clock. Since no one had seen anything so far I started walking through the city. I walked and walked and lost myself, went the wrong direction, kept walking, always looking out for a handsome guy and a camera (there are surprisingly many handsome guys in Paris and also quite a few cameras!!!) but no Craig to be seen anywhere. I passed Notre Dame, walked along the Seine, walked through little streets and found my way back, heading towards the “Louvre”… I don’t know why I went that way, I just had a feeling about it. After hours of walking I wanted to take a break, but since I still had no clue of where they could be I didn’t want to stop and kept looking for them. I had put myself under A LOT of pressure suddenly and couldn’t stop. Arriving at “Les Tuileries” close to the “Louvre” I finally found something: SECRETARIAT running through the bushes, followed by a LOT of little children! It was hilarious, very exciting and finally something I could use! I asked the guys with the camera, if Craig was gonna come here or if they knew where he was shooting but they said they didn’t know. You have to know that taking pictures of famous people on red carpets when they come to Berlin is one of my hobbies, so it wasn’t the first time id asked someone for a celebrity and they lied to me (I think they HAVE to lie by contract!!!). Anyway… I was still hungry but decided to stay there watch them shoot stuff with Secretariat. GOOD CHOICE LILI!!! I sat down and soon I was joined by @MissGraoully who I knew had seen them Wednesday. So we sat down, talked a little but the Secretariat thing was over (IMAGINE I would’ve taken like 10 minutes longer to get there?! I would’ve missed it… just missed it -.-). But the crew wasn’t moving. They were waiting! I decided to get some food (I had breakfast VERY early morning and was starving by now!) And walked back towards “Le Louvre” when suddenly a tall handsome Scottish guy in a suit walked straight towards me. FUCKING CRAIG FERGUSON WALKING STRAIGHT TOWARDS ME!!! I do not remember what face I made, I just suddenly stopped, looked at him smiling stupidly and surprised, completely stunned and just STARED! (Afterwards I was really embarrassed about it!!! xD) Just kept staring for a moment (it seemed like HOURS to me!!!) with that weird face I must´ve made! He smiled at me and said something like “hi, how are you?!” (I don’t remember his exact words unfortunately!) and kept walking until I FINALLY reacted and said something like “Hi,erm… can I take a picture with you please?!” Man… I´m so smooth! And since he is a good guy he said sure and I gave Rebecca (his assistant) my camera, he laid his arm around me (OMG WHAAAAA?!?!? xD) and we took a picture. They were in a hurry so I said thanks and walked back behind them! All of a sudden I wasn’t hungry or tired or anything anymore… I will call it “Craigyhigh”!!!

So, that was ALREADY what I had hoped for altogether! Even a little more since he was alone and it wasn’t in a crowd with many other people around. Only I have that picture on that very spot!!! Makes me feel kind proud! xD

Anyway… We watched the shooting of an interview segment, I made like a thousand pictures and couldn’t take my eyes off him. He is soooo much better looking in real life, than he is on TV or on pictures! Its unbelievable. Afterwards we followed them a little walking along the street (on the other side of the road feeling kinda creepy) where he was waiting for his car all by himself looking good, leaning against a wall all tall and handsome wearing his 3 piece suit that makes you wanna faint… Man, that was soooo awesome! (MissGraoully waved at him and he waved back!!! <3 <3 <3) His car came and he was gone.

MissGraoully left for a concert and I went to eat something underneath the “Louvre” and charge my phone somewhere since it was dead. I got a solar-charger (I LOVE cool gadgets! Haha) and sat down in the garden again to relax a little and have a read when I got a message, that they are shooting at the “Pont des Arts”. Great!!! I wanted a taxi but its so hard to get one in Paris so I asked someone how to get there, she said something about the metro and I ran down the stairs to get the metro, after finally getting a ticket I asked someone else how to get there, or better: which metro to take and that one said its right outside! Don’t get into the metro!!! I was like no way!!! Ran up again (remember I had been walking all day? MY FEET WHERE NUMB!!!) I got my map out and found it quickly and ran there. But nothing. Damned. Missed them! I asked a policeman if he had seen a Filmcrew here and what way they went but he didn’t understand me and I ran along the Seine asking people (I must have seemed VERY crazy! xD) but no one had seen anything (or understood me). So I gave up. I got my picture with him so what the hell! ; )

After that I called it a day and went to the hostel and fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. I was kinda tired xD

The next morning I got up really early and somehow had a feeling about the Notre Dame cathedral. My phone was still dead and fortunately y took the wrong cable with me -.- so I couldn’t check ze tweets (hihi). Arriving at Notre Dame it was empty. No camera, no Craig, no tourists (or well, just a few, but nothing compared to daytime!!!) With no clue whatsoever I decided to go to the apple store to charge my phone and get some breakfast around. I was there 10 to 9, they opened at 10am!!! Man… what to do? No phone means no twitter and no messages from other Skellys. I could not do that! So I walked to “Place de la concorde”, had some coffee, had a little breakfast and got back to the apple store around 10. 5 Minutes later I had a message: “Notre Dame!!” MAN!!! So I ran out of there and all the way back along the Seine! Took a cab halfway and was there in a couple of minutes. Found the crew and MissGraoully quickly and there he was again: tall, handsome, wearing a wonderful suit… Craig – fucking – Ferguson!!! It was one of the most unreal situations! On my right I had this massive thing, which is so famous all over the world and stunningly beautiful and awesome and on my left was Notre Dame! When I think of it now, it still feels like a dream. As if it never happened!!! Extremely weird!!!

They shot a couple of segments around the cathedral and we were following them around with a little distance, discussing whether we were creepy or not (imagine you are filming a show and everywhere you go there are two girls watching and following you around… xD) It was so much fun and really interesting to see them and well, especially Craig work and I enjoyed every second I got to hear his voice (I didn’t know I would get some more of that later!) We also saw Sid and Wavey and a funny Secretariat scene, that will be our secret until August! : ) It was still so unreal… Later we sat down at a café and had sth to eat and were joined by @Simonhuet. Craig walked past several times and I think our creepiness had a high point xD… After eating we found some crewmembers again and followed them (we would be awesome spies I reckon!!!) and found them at another famous Paris sight. There was Geoff (I took a picture with him!!!) and the table they had with the Snake Mug and the glittery ball and everything! It was funny how some of the crew started to recognize us and apparently we were in the background of some other shots so that we weren’t allowed to ask him a question as a tweet-and-email-guest (well… that’s what Michael said). I didn’t really buy it… I think they thought we were crazy fans who would like I don’t know… steal some of Craigs hair or rip off a piece of his suit or something in that manner. Too bad, I would’ve absolutely loved it and I was seriously jealous of the people who got to ask him a question on air (who were mostly American tourists being at the right place at the right time…) that made me a little sad but still, I was watching Craig and Geoff and it was HILARIOUS!!! WE DANCED THE SECRETARIAT SONG!!! Just fucking wonderful… I don’t have enough words to describe it!

Soon it started to rain though and they finished up. I forgot my copy of American on Purpose the day before and still needed to hug him (remember the mission?!) so I waited until he was alone and didn’t seem to have anything to do, feeling very confident and with a whole speech prepared explaining, that I came from Berlin with the mission to hug him and if he could please sign my copy of his book and I was prepared to be funny and charming and very very confident, I walked up to him my mission in mind (still confident) and said “S´cuse me craig?!” – The moment he turned around and smiled at me all tall and handsome and charmingly adorable (have I mentioned he is tall and handsome?!?!), EVERYTHING in my head went blank, I got all nervous, shaky and shy and giggled something about could you please sign the book for me?! He was all charming and wonderful and actually seemed a little interested (although I don’t think he believed me at first!) when I told him I came from Berlin to see him, he signed the book, I said thanks and he gave me the most wonderful smile a girl can get and said he hoped I enjoyed myself then! xD it was kinda breathtaking! But I completely forgot about the hug -.- damn… I thanked him and walked away hugging my book instead and smiling stupidly. He left in his car and the crew packed their stuff together. I asked them if we should keep looking for them or if they were done taping altogether. They weren’t. Earlier I heard them talk about an ice cream place they wanted to shoot at and one of the drivers said they were gonna be in that area all day. So we had a little clue where they would be next. Also Rebecca later posted a picture of Michael Cain in space in Paris in the rain and we googled the name of the shop in the background and got there very quick! I still think we are really good spies! xD…

So we arrived at that place and saw Craig Ferguson singing the themesong of the show LIVE on the street!!! It was FANTASTIC!!! I almost fainted!!! When they were done they had build up Geoff and the desk at a café close by to shoot an interview segment. Michael said something to us about the police not allowing them to have too many people around and they were counting us because they kept seeing us with them (which is complete bullshit I think) but since we are nice people we sat down in another café close by to enjoy it from far away. They hadn’t started yet and suddenly Craig walked in our direction (SO WEIRD!!!) looked around briefly and sat down a couple of tables away from us. Before that we were a little concerned that he might be scared of us or something or they thought we were some crazy people (not in the good way… because we actually are kinda crazy! Still don’t care …xD) but that made us feel a lot better. So they had a drink, got back to the other café , taped the segment, we drank our coffee (I had a nice beer) and soon there was a huge crowd around them and we couldn’t see anything anymore. So we payed and went closer again (I mean, we came there to see that right!? Why tell if you don’t want fans around?!) We had a last look at Craig playing the mouth organ until someone shouted: “That’s a wrap!!! Thank you everybody!” and it was done. Seriously one of the greatest things ever happened to me!!! We asked Rebecca, if we had scared anyone because we didn’t want them to remember us as the creepy fans following them around all day but she was really nice about it and thanked us for being respectful and hoped we had fun. Then we said good bye and thanks to Craig (“nice to meet you guys, now let me get out of this suit!!” I was like “WHAAA?! xD”) and some of the crew members and I haven’t stopped smiling since then…

Again, I wanna say thanks to Craig, Rebecca, the crew (not so much Michael tho -.- I´m still a little pissed about the question thing and the police-lie!!!) and Paris for these wonderful 2 days I will always remember and I can´t wait til August when they are airing the show!!! I hope you enjoyed reading this (I know it’s a lot but I had to do it properly for myself!!!) and I think there is only one thing left to say:


PS: I know a lot of you wont understand my passion about celebrities and especially Craig Ferguson, but its something that makes me really happy and I don’t give a rats ass if you like it or not! BALLS!


Josh Misses Paris Already
Josh Robert Thompson tweets that he is back in Los Angeles and feeling hungry.

Back from Paris. Craving a hot baguette. I’ll try looking in West Hollywood.

Cruising with Craig
The RSA’s @ElevationGrace got a pleasant surprise on her recent cruise:

I didn’t know @CraigyFerg was the host of CBS Eye on Royal Caribbean. It’s been nice watching #TLLS segments all week on vacation.

Owl Highlights
In a series of short promotional previews for Disney/Pixar’s new Winnie The Pooh, the viewer is invited to take a short quiz to determine which character they are most like. has posted the Owl quiz video, featuring the voice of Craig Ferguson. Winnie The Pooh opens in US theaters on July 15th.

Video courtesy: Disney/Pixar

Sarah Chalke

This Week’s Guests
The re-run fairy sprinkles her magic dust for a second week, as Craig and company return home to edit the France episodes in preparation for the first week of August. On Monday, we’ll see a rebroadcast of the May 10th show with actor Kenneth Branagh . On Tuesday, it will be the May 9th show with actor Jeff Goldblum and actress Sarah Chalke . Wednesday will feature an encore presentation of the May 13th episode with actor/author Paul Reiser and actress Melissa McCarthy . Actress Julie Andrews and music by Little Big Town will highlight Thursday’s show, first seen on May 18th. And on Friday, enjoy the June 9th show with actor Morgan Freeman and TV personality Carson Kressley .

© 2011, RSANews. All rights reserved.

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