Name Game Casting
CNG2 slCasting for the premiere season of Celebrity Name Game with host Craig Ferguson is under way in Los Angeles this week. The website, which focuses on the game show industry, directs interested folks to an ad on Craiglist, which makes us chuckle. Auditions are open through this Friday. There is still no word when tickets will be made available for audience members. We’ll keep you posted.

CraigCraftLLS Minecraft Style
The RSA’s @NancyInTampa spotted a post from tumblr user ellenchanglx which features some video-game style images of the set of The Late Late Show. They look great to us! Since we’re in the hollowed-out volcano, our only advice would be to watch out for cave spiders.

Josh’s New Project
Josh with PuppetsJosh has tweeted a hint or two about a new project coming up in the fall, including a photo with some new friends. We’ll be watching for more news from him.

New Who Preview
Over the holiday weekend, the BBC posted a very brief trailer for the new series of Doctor Who with the new doctor, Peter Capaldi. It has received more than two and a half million views in a matter of a few days, so excitement is running high. Enjoy!

Video courtesy: YouTube

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